
countermove n.對抗行動;對抗手段,報復手段[行動]。


At the same time , have a foothold somewhere to the actual situation that our country business developed , the present situation distributing to the human capital participation remainder profit in our country business distinguishing feature along with the being problem is probed into , moreover is living proposes the relevant countermove on this base , do one ' s best to the practice somewhat advantage 借鑒國外的人力資本價值計量模型,解決我國企業人力資本參與企業收益分配的量化問題。同時,立足于我國企業發展的實際情況,對我國企業中人力資本參與剩余收益分配的現狀、特點以及存在的問題進行探討,并在此基礎上提出相應的對策,力求對實踐有所裨益。

In the second part of the thesis , it analyses , from both side of the internal management type strategy and the external transaction type strategy , the principle of acquisition and merger . it also mentions some problems happened during the practice . it discusses the influence , the usual traps and the countermoves during capital acquisition and merger practices , which may prevent people from making the similar mistakes 在第一部分基礎上,文章從企業內部管理型戰略和外部交易型戰略兩方面對資本購并原理進行了分析,并通過結合實際工作中出現的問題探討了購并對企業運作的作用及一些常見的陷井,并就問題提出了相應的對策與思考。

It has analyzed and studied systemically the propelling , prompting and decision - making mechanism in the construction enterprises . by utilizing modern marketing and management theory , this thesis has studied thoroughly the association tactics in the market of modern construction enterprise and placed great energy on elucidating the strategy of marketing from the prospect of marketing and construction enterprise future development . it has analyzed reciprocal effecting character and defined the relationship between marketing and technical innovation , therefore deduce the conclusions of the marketing action to lower the risk of technical innovation and the countermove to improve the technical innovation as well as marketing in the construction companies , hence it shows the inspiration and references for the forming of construction enterprises “ core competition 本論文在廣泛地借鑒技術創新和市場營銷最新理論研究成果的基礎上,從建筑企業可持續發展戰略高度出發,研究了建筑企業技術創新機制,對建筑企業技術創新的動力機制、激勵機制、決策機制進行了系統分析和研究;運用現代營銷管理理論,從市場營銷與建筑企業發展的視角,深入研究了建筑企業市場營銷組合策略,重點論述了建筑企業市場營銷戰略;分析了建筑企業技術創新與市場營銷的互動特性,明確了建筑企業技術創新與市場營銷的相互關系,提出了降低技術創新市場風險的營銷措施以及完善建筑企業技術創新與市場營銷的對策,從而為提高建筑企業技術創新能力和營銷管理水平,形成建筑企業的核心競爭力提供了借鑒和啟示。

The first section tries to provide a clear definition for the continuing education of the p . e teachers . the following 2 sections put forth primary education physical and health education reform and development in and abroad , which give the enlightenment to the curriculum reform of continuing education of re teachers the correspondent countermove of reform based on the analysis and expounding of the current situation of curriculum reform and the problem arising from it , in the primary and middle school re teachers continuing education in hubei province 第一節主要是對繼續教育及體育教師繼續教育概念問題的界定。后兩節就國內外基礎教育體育課程改革對體育教師繼續教育的啟示、對我省中小學體育教師繼續教育課程設置這一典型問題進行了分析與闡述,然后相應的提出了改革對策和原則。本文首先從宏觀上對繼續教育、體育教師繼續教育概念的界定入手。

Restricted taffic problems of residential areas are comprehensive , complicated and actual which determine the comprehensive , direct , adaptable solve methods . this paper discusses the reasons and influent factors of urban residential areas ’ traffic promblems , systematically researchs the countermove and laws and regulations management tactics of them 本著這一總體原則,本文以大量實例與資料為現實依據,探討了城市居住區交通問題產生的原因及影響因素,并較為系統地對城市居住區內部交通規劃對策及法規管理策略進行了研究。

In this part , around the concept , the thesis provides appropriate countermoves to chinese national economic security problems which are aroused by the challenge from economic globalisation to chinese economic sovereignty , chinese economic developing strategy , the regulation and optimisation of chinese economic structure , the overall stability of chinese economy 在這個部分,針對經濟全球化對中國經濟主權、經濟發展戰略、經濟結構調整與優化、經濟全局穩定的挑戰引發的國家經濟安全問題,論文在堅持謀求全球經濟普遍安全的前提下,提出了相應的對策思考。

Especially in the end of 1990s this kind of newspaper stepped into the winter in its developing history . this thesis wish to find the reason that the broadcast & tv newspaper is in the inferior step , propose the countermove , prove the necessarities and possibilities of its existing , attempt to supply the feasible pattern to the broadcast & tv newspaper by analyzing the development history , type of appearance at present , reader location and living space , ect 本文就廣播電視報的發展歷程、現實樣態、辦報定位、生存空間及與國外典型刊物的比較進行分析研究,希望找到廣播電視報處于劣勢的原因,提出廣播電視報的對策,證明廣播電視報生存的可能性與合理性,并就廣播電視報的發展前景進行合理性預測,嘗試為廣播電視報的發展提供可借鑒性模式。

This artile combines the basic theory and the executed practice of our courts to make a systematic exploratory for the conception , characteristic , expression and the cause of its ' becoming and has probed into the countermoves 本文結合法學基本理論和我國法院的執行實踐,系統地探討了“執行難”的概念、特點、表現以及其形成原因,并對如何解決“執行難”問題進行了一些探討。

It has great theory and practice significance to analyze the causes and propose the countermove to “ suit the medicine to the illness “ when we take the provincial boundaries regions in southeast as the cut - in point 以省際交界區域為切入點,分析其貧困原因,提出對策,對癥下藥,具有十分重要的理論和實際意義。

Lift the synthetical production capacity of farming , strengthen the marketing in farming produce marketplace , supporting the non - agricultural industries to await is the countermove that construct in the fresh countryside 提高農業的綜合生產能力、加強農產品市場營銷、扶持非農產業等是新農村建設的對策。

So this article put forward the series of countermoves in order to solve of the above motioned . it will provide the theory that is used by the auto industry 針對這一問題,本文提出了一系列的基本戰略對策,力圖從根本上解決這些問題,為汽車工業在國際競爭力贏得一席之地提供理論依據。

The crushing force is produced by eccentric shafts which countermove the two impact rockers . the screening sheets mounted on the jaws are provided in a v - like arrangement 兩根在離心軸上運行的篩式破碎桿彼此相互調節地進行著牽拉運動,從而使楔狀破碎空間富有變化。

This essay analyses some problems in chinese law of the protection of environment and resources and puts forward some countermoves to consummate these defects 摘要分析了我國現行環境資源立法中存在的一些問題,提出了完善的對策。

Finally analyses the necessary steps that improve our country foreign trade promoting the economic growth effect through the concrete countermove angle 最后,從具體對策角度分析了提高我國對外貿易促進經濟增長作用的配套措施。

Chrysanthemum tea can bring certain calmness effect . for those nerves or badies that is hard to realx , it is a perfect natural countermove 菊花茶具有適度的鎮靜效果,對無法放松的神經或身體來說,它是完美的天然對抗手段。

Present situation and countermove on water resources development and water ecology environment protection in chongqing 重慶水資源開發利用與水生態環境保護現狀及對策

A study of the problem of being short of funds put into education in minority nationality regions and its countermoves 少數民族地區教育經費投入不足問題及對策研究

The present situation and our countermoves in view of high - ranking technicians ' training in the electric power enterprises 電力企業高級技工技師培訓現狀及對策

Electrified wire netting low level operation perniciousness reaches such and guards against the countermove 電網低電壓運行的危害性及其防止對策