
countermand vt.,n.1.(下反對命令)取消(前一命令);撤回,召...


This is clearly showed in the two following phenomena : the government departments had been trimed , swollen , trimed again and swollen again . if the power of government is transfer to the low level , there will be disorder , then the central government will countermand the power , which would bring about deadlock 政府改革中存在的機構“精簡? ?膨脹? ?再精簡? ?再膨脹”和管理權限“一統就死,一放就亂,一亂就收,一收就死”兩大怪圈就是其突出表現。

One of the advantages of html controls over web controls is that server - side events do not conflict with events that occur on the client , unless the server and client code themselves countermand each other Html控件相對于web控件的優點之一是:服務器端事件不與在客戶端發生的事件沖突,除非服務器和客戶端的代碼本身彼此取消。

I have now to countermand that order , in consequence of the receipting of the letter this morning 由于今日上午才收到來函,現在只好取消那份訂單。

The general countermand the orders issued in his absence 將軍撤銷了他不在時所發布的命令。