
counterfeit adj.仿造的,假冒的;虛偽的,假的。 a counte...


“ genuine ” means free of forgery or counterfeiting “真正的”指不是偽造的或假冒的。

The moir effects and its application in anti - counterfeit 莫爾條紋應用初探

- currency is too easy to counterfeit . - of course -貨幣很容易偽造-沒問題

Currency is too easy to counterfeit . - of course 貨幣很容易偽造-沒問題

Counterfeit adidas clothes captured in qingdao Sk電訊將在中國銷售sk牌手機著手商標注冊

This is the real aim behind the counterfeits 這就是這場假幣事件最終的目的

I will be ashamed to own a counterfeit item 我會為擁有冒牌商品而感到羞愧

Crime of trafficking in counterfeit national currency 販運偽造的國家貨幣罪

Man jailed for counterfeit banknotes offences 男子因涉及偽制紙幣罪被判入獄

Research on the crimes of manufacturing or selling counterfeits 制販假證違法犯罪研究

She counterfeited alarm when he confessed his love 當他向她示愛時她假裝驚訝的樣子。

This note is counterfeit , but that one ' s good 這張鈔票是假的,那張是真的

Customs seizes $ 5 . 5 million worth of counterfeit jewellery 海關檢獲550萬元冒牌珠寶

Counterfeits are normally as good as i expect 我認為冒牌商品的表現和我期望的一樣

Economic analysis on counterfeit and anti - counterfeit 造假與打假的經濟學分析

Economics and game analysis on counterfeit and anti - counterfeit 打假的經濟博弈分析

2 counterfeit debts or recognize untrue debts 二捏造債務或者承認不真實的債務的。

It is risky to purchase counterfeit luxury item 我認為購買冒牌商品會為我帶來風險

Anti - counterfeiting banknote counting based on 基于嵌入式實時系統的智能偽鈔鑒別儀