
counterespionage n.反間諜行動。


But most of all, he possessed a streak of determinations, if not ruthlessness, which made him a superb head of counterespionage . 最重要的是,他雖然說不上殘酷無情,但卻意志堅決,這使他成了極好的反間諜領導人。

He began his career handling soviet counterespionage for the fbi, until hoover sacked him for drunkenness . 他以在聯邦調查局處理對蘇反諜工作而開始他的職業生涯,直到后來由于酗酒而被胡佛解職。

He offered to take me to see louis tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of roc . 他主動提出要帶我去見路易斯托德拉,勸說他在輻射作戰委員會的反間諜方面幫忙。