
countercurrent n.逆流,對流,反流;【電學】逆[反向]電流。


Zhang tianyou , professor , is a internationally well - known scholar in the field of separation technology who takes the lead in countercurrent chromatography and has won more than a dozen of various scientific and technical prizes , one invention patent in the u . s . , and a few patents in china , and published three joint books overseas and a few books at home on special subjects 張天佑,教授,國際分離科學領知名學者,逆流色譜技術學科帶頭人,獲各種科技獎勵十多項,美國發明專利一項,中國專利多項,在國外合作發表專著三部,在國內發表專著多部。

Combining with practice of china ' s uranium ore heap leac hi ng , this paper proposes main ways and suitable technologies in the fields of emp hasizing feasib ility research , adop - ting strengthened technologies , improving equipment le vel , op timizing control technological factors and developing application range and so o n , which include adopting acid - curring and ferric sulphate - tric kle leaching process , bacteria heap leaching , countercurrent heap leaching , sele cting advanced material of heap bottom , developing large mechanized heap constru ction equipments and methods , popularizing drip i rrigation distributing solution , optimizing heap leaching process parameters , as we ll as developing recovery equipments suited to heap leaching , etc , in order to i n crease leaching rate , reduce heap leaching period and achieve more economic bene fits 結合我國鈾礦堆浸實際,在重視堆浸可行性研究、采用強化堆浸技術、改進堆浸裝備水平、嚴格工藝條件及拓寬堆浸的應用范圍等方面提出一些有效途徑及適用技術,包括采用拌酸熟化-高鐵淋濾浸出、細菌堆浸、制粒堆浸、逆流堆浸,選用優質底墊層材料,研制大型機械化筑堆方法和設備,推廣滴灌式布液,優化堆浸工藝參數,以及開發堆浸相配套的回收設備等,以提高浸出率、縮短堆浸周期,獲得更大的經濟效益。

The equipment can be used in the immersion , heat regurgitation , the extraction of aromatic ingredient , the recovery and forced circular extraction of residue organic menstruum and pot countercurrent extraction of traditional chinese drug , foodstuff and chemical industries with advantages of high efficiency and convenient operation 本設備用于中藥食品化工行業的常壓水煎溫浸熱回流強制循環滲透芳香油提取及有機溶媒回收等多種工藝操作。具有效率高操作方便等優點。機組裝置選材優良,廣泛應用于制藥食品化工等行業揮發油的提取。

Zhang tianyou , professor , is a internationally well - known scholar in the field of separation technology who takes the lead in countercurrent chromatography and has won more than a dozen of arious scientific and technical prizes , one inention patent in the u . s . , and a few patents in china , and published three joint books oerseas and a few books at home on special subjects 張天佑,教授,國際分離科學領知名學者,逆流色譜技術學科帶頭人,獲各種科技獎勵十多項,美國發明專利一項,中國專利多項,在國外合作發表專著三部,在國內發表專著多部。

This dissertation is faced to the process of steel rolling to found network of manufacture material flow , basing on it founding guide line evaluation system of the cost of unit standard producing working procedure , guide line evaluation system of the quality cost of unit standard producing working procedure and guide line evaluation system of performance and efficiency ; and base on the cost data of all kinds of material flows , manufacture flow , flux data , manpower , energy consume , material consume , capital asserts occupied , fund occupied , and the production in working procedure , throughput of the materials in working procedures in the flow and countercurrent flow in the network of material flow of recorded in working procedure producing , using the “ whole closed down lane ” model to describe network of manufacture material flow of steel rolling , found the cost analyzing model system of the network faced to producing process . make the cost increasing of the producing by abnormity material flow in working procedure , and even the cost increasing of the producing procedure as the cost of the management behavior of working procedure fallen under cost evaluation guideline in responsible working procedure , so as to ration measure the factors fast correlated with management behavior by measuring the cost 在企業管理信息化輔助工具所建立的數據平臺基礎上,建立了以基準物流圖模型為基礎的軋鋼生產主流程物流網絡拓撲圖,根據圖論的理論求解最大流量和最小費用;計算每個生產節點的加工成本,分離質量成本,克服了單純財務數據進行成本核算所帶來的缺陷;建立了軋鋼生產主流程工序含鐵物料吞吐能力基準圖模型,并根據此模型建立了軋鋼生產主流程工序激勵物流協調性和匹配性、工序響應物流協調性和匹配性分析的過程能力指數計算方法;通過引入決策單元綜合投入與綜合產出效率最優原則的模型和基于投入不變、分析產出是否有效或基于產出不變、分析投入是否有效的模型,實現了對多個績效指標在不同績效值集合之間的相對比較,并可根據投入產出效率準則、或者投入(產出)有效性準則進行排序。

1 . commercial water tower serial products : round tower : 3rt - 1500rt each ; square tower : 80rt - 5000rt each . square towers can be combined as countercurrent or crosscurrent towers according to specific requirement ; blow squeeze stainless steel water tower 100rt - 500rt 1民用水塔系列產品:園塔: 3rt - 1500rt臺方塔: 80rt - 5000rt臺,方塔可根據需求作任意組合的逆流式或橫流式水塔吹壓式不銹鋼水塔100rt - 500rt

The hydrodynamic experiments with countercurrent flow of gas and liquid simulating the flow conditions in the lower zone of the blast furnace were carried out in a packed bed to clarify the gas pressure drop characteristics in that zone 摘要為了闡明高爐下部氣相壓降的特性,在填料床內模擬高爐下部流動條件進行了氣液兩相逆流的流體力學實驗。

2 . industrial water tower serial products : countercurrent and crosscurrent series with steel - encased concrete structure , steel structure , wood structure , fiberglass reinforced plastics structure and rc structure 2工業水塔系列產品:逆流式和橫流式系列,結構為鋼砼結構鋼結構木結構玻璃鋼結構rc結構

Conclusion : it points out that the peace and development is the subject of the world . that the us - japan security cooperation relations are strengthened is the countercurrent in the international relations 結論:指出和平與發展是世界的主題,美日安全合作的加強是國際關系中的一股逆流。

What i encourage the most is to follow the countercurrent of the trend , and i believe that a website reflects the individuality of a person more than a free weblog 我最鼓勵逆流而上,所以我決定反其道而行!我認為網頁最才能力表現一個人的個性。

Mean temperature difference for countercurrent flow and cocurrent flow in steady continuous heat transfer has been deduced uniformly 摘要采用統一的方法對定態傳熱逆流和并流的平均溫差進行了推導。

Computer drawing of some important technological data in countercurrent extraction operation of immiscible systems 互不溶體系逆流萃取過程中的幾個重要工藝數據的計算機圖解

Multi - level plain weave surface filtration structure , good effects in countercurrent rinsing 多層平織絲網表層過濾結構,逆流清洗效果好,清洗簡單。

The separation of alkaloids using preparative high speed countercurrent chromatography from chinese herbs 制備型高速逆流色譜分離中藥中的生物堿

The energy saving technology of countercurrent multi - effect evaporation for light alkali concentration 逆流多效蒸發淡堿濃縮工藝節能技術研究

Effect of unequal countercurrent blood vessels on the temperature distribution due to hifu 伴行血管在高強度聚焦超聲下對溫度場的影響

Situation and developing trend of rare - earth countercurrent extraction processes control 稀土萃取分離過程自動控制研究現狀及發展趨勢

Countercurrent spray dryer 逆流噴霧干燥器

Double countercurrent rinse tank 雙聯冷水槽