
counterculture n.反傳統[主流]文化〔六十年代以來在美國青少年中盛行的...


The latter is to show punish - ment is reflection of the mainstream of culture in a society limiting and suppressing counterculture . with the different ways of limiting and suppressing counterculture , different punitive cultures such as retribution , obsolute equality , educadtion , prevention come into being 后者是說,刑罰是社會主流文化對反主流文化限制和取締的表現,由于限制與取締方式的不同,形成了報應、絕對平等、教育、預防等刑罰文化。

Low rents and vancouver s cosmopolitan young have also nurtured an unexpected counterculture , at least for the time being , distinguished by varied restaurants , secondhand shops , avant - garde galleries , clubs and bars spots where you ll probably have more fun than in many a canadian city 加拿大的消費者要求商品性能高質量好又美觀。推銷宣傳的作用是非常重要的,加拿大人般都很受廣告的影響,他們在購買時的決定往往受廣告左右。

From the angle of explaining the literature , “ literature of the people of the emperor “ demonstrates the national approval and misplacing under the invasion of different races , which embodies a kind of essence of counterculture 從文化闡釋角度來看, “皇民文學”表現出了在異族文化侵略下的民族認同與錯位,體現出一種反文化特質。

You have a real intersection of counterculture people with counterculture attitudes and engineering people with engineering attitudes and engineering humor 這是一些真正的綜合反文化人,反文化人的態度和工程技術的人帶著技術態度和技術性幽默。

It wasn ' t long before seattle and other parts of the pacific northwest were developing coffee shops as part of a thriving counterculture scene 不久在西雅圖和太平洋西北部的城市也出現了越來越多的咖啡館,并且迅速發展成為了反傳統文化的中心。

Mr hunter returned an international leader of the counterculture and subsequently shaped the beginning of the greenpeace foundation 從這次航行回來,鮑伯?杭特成為反文化的國際領袖,后來漸漸形塑了綠色和平基金會的開端。

Long enjoying a bohemian reputation , the city became a counterculture magnet in the second half of the 20th century 市區內有40多座小山丘,延著地形起伏修筑而成的電纜車,保留19世紀古色古香的味道,別有一番趣味。

A thriving counterculture strikes back at an uncaring society , rebelling with words , music and often violence 茁壯成長的反主流文化回擊原本不理睬他們的社會,這樣的回擊包括言辭、音樂往往還有暴力。

In every generation , there seems to be a counterculture that rejects traditional thinking while promoting their own causes 每一代人似乎都有反傳統文化,他們擯棄傳統思維,促進自己的利益。

The former is to show the conflict between the mainstream of culture and the counterculture 前者是說,犯罪是反主流文化與主流文化沖突的表現形式。

Simple analysis of constructing and clearing up of counterculture to leading culture 淺析反文化對主導文化的建構與消解

I want counterculture . i want antiestablishment 我要反傳統,反成規