
counterclockwise adj.,adv.反時針方向的(地)。


Driving tanks all the alien spacecraft shot down and the game operation to defend the earth : the cursor keys w : machine guns counterclockwise rotation 駕駛坦克將所有外星人的飛船擊落,保衛地球游戲操作:光標鍵中“ ” :機槍逆時針旋轉。

Set the right and left level controls at minimum gain ( counterclockwise ) and adjust the master level control to as high as you will want to listen 把左右電平輸入設定于最少增益位置(逆時針方向) ,調整主音量控制至你所想要的最高水平。

A type of rotating - screw device suitable to wide range of diameters , providing rotating movement in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions , and floating in all three - dimensions 一種適應大直徑范圍的正反轉三維全浮動旋扣裝置

The check assemblies are threaded into the body . to remove the first check assembly , rotate the check module by hand counterclockwise 這種止回閥總成是通過螺紋旋進閥體的。為了拆卸第一止回閥總成,要用手逆時針方向旋轉止回閥模塊。

Air to port a forces the pistons outwards , causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from port b 壓縮空氣有a口輸入,使左右活塞向相反方向運動,輸出軸逆時針方向運轉,兩活塞側面的空氣由b口排出。

Air to port a forces the pistons outwards , causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from port b 壓縮空氣由a口輸入,使左右活塞向相反方向運動,輸出軸逆時針方向運轉,兩活塞側面的空氣由b口排出。

Inspect the disc rubber and clean or replace if required . the disc can be removed by screwing the white washer counterclockwise 檢查閥瓣橡膠,如果需要,則進行清洗或更換。通過逆時針方向旋轉白色墊圈螺紋就可以拆卸閥瓣。

This planet , unlike the other planets in our solar system , has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise 這顆行星,不同在我們太陽系的其他行量,是橢圓形軌道,順時針方向移動,而不是逆時針。

He is in favour of more growth , of a more efficient government and , no doubt , of water draining from japanese baths counterclockwise 當然,他肯定支持日本進一步向前發展,支持一個更加高效的政府,支持回收利用洗澡水。

Jupiters great red spot , which swirls counterclockwise , is far bigger , but is less like a hurricane because it lacks the typical eye and eye wall 木星大紅斑,逆時針旋渦,遠遠、但不喜歡,因為它缺乏典型颶風眼壁和眼睛

In the northern southern hemisphere , the air around a depression moves in a counterclockwise clockwise direction looking from above 在北南半球,低氣壓附近的空氣循逆時針順時針方向運行從上面往下望。

In the southern hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high - pressure center , as contrasted to the northern hemisphere 在南半球,反氣旋繞高壓中心反時針方向吹,與北半球情況相反。

With the helicopter inverted fly backward for at least one ( 1 ) clockwise and one ( 1 ) counterclockwise circuits around your flying area 在飛行區域內,以順時針及逆時針的方向,至少各執行一圈后退水平圓。

Testers work both clockwise and counterclockwise , so you can easily measure torque while tightening and loosening pieces 扭力測試儀可順時針或逆時針測量扭力,因此可方便地測量扭緊和扭松時的扭力。

In the northern ( southern ) hemisphere , the air around an anticyclone moves in a clockwise ( counterclockwise ) direction 在北(南)半球,反氣旋附近的氣流是順時針(逆時針)方向運行的。

Unit circle math , which is used in all of java s trig methods , has 0 degrees pointing right , positive counterclockwise 單位圓數學用于java中的所有三角方法,它的0度指向右,逆時針方向為正。

With the helicopter inverted fly at least one ( 1 ) clockwise and one ( 1 ) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area 在飛行區域內,以順時針及逆時針的方向,至少各執行一圈倒飛水平圓。

A figure is considered clockwise or counterclockwise based on the order in which the segments of the figure are drawn 基于所繪制的圖形的各片斷的順序判斷一個圖形是順時針還是逆時針的。

Open up this texture as a layer . rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise ( layer - transform ) . resize to fit the image 打開紋理素材,拖入圖中。旋轉90度順時針。調整到圖片的大小。