
counterclaim n.,vi.,vt.(提出)反要求;反訴。


At the same time , because of the lacking of the system of collateral appealing and the system of counterclaim in the appealing procedure , it is not favorable for the protection of litigation rights and legal merits of the parties , simplification of litigation procedure and improvement of litigation efficiency 同時,缺乏當事人提起附帶上訴和二審反訴的規定,不利于平等保護各方當事人訴訟權利和合法利益,也不利于簡化訴訟程序,提高訴訟效率。裁判制度不完善。

“ encumbrances ” include any option , right to acquire , right of preemption , mortgage , charge , pledge , lien , hypothecation , title creation , right of set - off , counterclaim , trust arrangemnet or other security or any equity or restriction ( including any relevant restriction imposed under the relevant law “權力負擔”包括期權、收購權、優先權、抵押、押記、質押、留置、押匯、所有權的產生、抵付權、反訴、信托安排或其他擔保、或股權、限制(包括有關法律規定的任何有關限制。 )

As a matter of fact , regulations in rules of evidence constitute a substantial breach of parties ’ rights of suit , which cannot be remedied only by judicial interpretation . the identification and application of new evidence , the process of evidence exchange , the regulations in complaint modification and counterclaim , and even the use of legal language and 《證據規定》的規定在實質上對當事人的訴訟權利進行了約束,而這在立法層次上并不是一個司法解釋可以完成的,越位的《證據規定》在現行法律和現實之間的夾縫中艱難的生存。

To hold on the death of any of us any credit balance ( s ) on any account or accounts in our joint names to the order of the survivors or survivor of us without prejudice to any right you may have in respect of such balance securities etc . arising out of any lien , charge , pledge , set - off , counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or to any step which you may deem it desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors or survivor of us 五.于本人等中任何一人身故后,將各該聯名帳戶之存款,及以本人等聯名存于貴行之任何證券、契據、箱匣及包裹及其內之物件,以及任何種類之財物,作為本人等生存者之有而處理之,但以無損于貴行對該等存款或證券之留置、抵押、比對、提出反要求,或其他之權益為主;貴行并得對本人等生存者以外之人士之要求采取任何貴行認為適當之步驟。

Article 66 the respondent shall , within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice of arbitration , submit his defense and relevant documentary evidence to the secretariat of the arbitration commission ; a counterclaim , if any , shall be filed with documentary evidence within the said time limit 第六十六條被申請人應在收到仲裁通知之日起30天內向仲裁委員會提交答辯書及有關證明文件;如有反請求,也應在此期限內提出反請求書及有關證明文件。

Guarantor hereby waives all defenses , counterclaims and offsets of any kind or nature , arising directly or indirectly from the present or future lack of perfection , sufficiency , validity or enforceability of the agreements or any security interest thereunder 擔保人據此放棄因協議在完整性、充分性、有效性或可執行性方面存在現實的或潛在的缺陷而直接或間接產生的所有種類的抗辯、反訴及抵銷的權利,并放棄由協議產生的任何擔保權益。

Article 62 if anything claimed or counterclaimed is found to have been omitted in the arbitral award , either of the parties may make a request in writing to the arbitration tribunal for an additional award within 30 days from the date on which the arbitral award is received 第六十二條如果仲裁裁決有漏裁事項,任何一方當事人均可以在收到仲裁裁決書之日起30天內以書面形式請求仲裁庭就仲裁裁決中漏裁的仲裁事項作出補充裁決。

It simply states that the counterclaim for setting off is always admissible except only that the tribunal may find it appropriate to serve the counterclaim from the main claim lest a concurrent examination of counterclaim should excessively delay the judgment on the merits 按其規定,要求抵消的反訴一般都應接受,除非仲裁庭認為同時審理反訴會過分耽誤對事實的判決,因而認為把反訴同主訴分開比較恰當。

It simply states that the counterclaim for setting off is always admi ible except only that the tribunal may find it a ropriate to serve the counterclaim from the main claim lest a concurrent examination of counterclaim should exce ively delay the judgment on the merits 按其規定,要求抵消的反訴一般都應接受,除非仲裁庭認為同時審理反訴會過分耽誤對事實的判決,因而認為把反訴同主訴分開比較恰當。

The buyer filed a counterclaim alleging that the seller ' s claim should be set off against the amounts which the buyer estimates to be payable to the buyer by the seller , i . e . , the direct losses , financing costs , lost profits and interest 買方提起反訴,聲稱應從賣方所索費用中扣除買方估計應由賣方賠償買方的一筆費用,即:直接損失費、財務成本費、所損失的利潤及利息費。

The buyer filed a counterclaim alleging that the seller ' s claim should be set off agai t the amounts which the buyer estimates to be payable to the buyer by the seller , i . e . , the direct lo es , financing costs , lost profits and interest 買方提起反訴,聲稱應從賣方所索費用中扣除買方估計應由賣方賠償買方的一筆費用,即:直接損失費、財務成本費、所損失的利潤及利息費。

When filing a counterclaim , the respondent must state in his written statement of counterclaim his specific claim and facts and reasons upon which his claim is based , and attach to his written statement of counterclaim any relevant documentary evidence 被申請人提出反請求時,應在其書面反請求中寫明具體的反請求及其所依據的事實和理由,并附具有關的證明文件。

Article 21 the progress of arbitration proceedings shall not be affected notwithstanding the failure of the respondent to file his defense in writing or the failure of the claimant to submit his written defense against the respondent ' s counterclaim 第二十一條被申請人未提交書面答辯及/或申請人對被申請人的反請求未提出書面答辯的,不影響仲裁程序的進行。

In europe , the estimated cost of undertaking a patent opposition is less than $ 100 , 000 for each party , although the adjudication proceeding takes nearly three years as a result of long deadlines for filing claims and counterclaims 在歐洲,一般估算撤銷專利的案件兩造各花不到10萬美元,但是法律程序卻因為冗長的攻防程序期限,而可拖到將近三年。

In the present case , the main claim and the counterclaim , in accordance with the terms of reference , have been examined together so as to be the subject of a single award , and there is no reason to separate them 在本案中,按規定說明,主訴和反訴已經進行共同審理,成為一次性裁決事項,故沒有理由在將它們分割開。

This provision , even assuming that it may apply in the circumstances , does not in any way require the tribunal to reject the counterclaim if its examination might delay that of the main claim 就是假定該條款可適用于本案,它無論如何也沒有規定本仲裁庭應駁回反訴,即使對反訴的審理會耽誤對主訴的審查。

Article 18 the respondent shall , at the latest within 60 days from the date of receipt of the notice of arbitration , file with the secretariat of the arbitration commission his counterclaim in writing , if any 第十八條被申請人如有反請求,最遲應在收到仲裁通知之日起60天內以書面形式提交仲裁委員會。

The buyer agrees that he / she must compensate the seller for the counterclaim caused by his / her fault or the nonfulfiment of this item , so as to make the seller suffers no losing 買方同意因買方過失行為與不行為或者因買方違反或不履行本條款而導致的一切索賠補償賣方,使賣方不因此遭受損失。

The code of judicial procedure have provisions on complaint , answer , counterclaim , interim protecting measures , trial , judgment and appeal of international civil procedure 《司法程序法典》對國際民事訴訟的起訴、答辯、反訴、臨時保護措施、審理和判決以及上訴等問題作了規定。