
countercheck n.阻擋,對抗;制止;核對,復查;〔古語〕反駁,回嘴。 ...


The assessment officer will countercheck the data on the application form , confirm the eligibility of the applicant for an identity card , and scan the applicant s left and right thumbprints again to ensure the captured records are in order not applicable to applicant below the age of 11 該登記員會初步檢核申請人領取身份證的資格,并替申請人掃描左、右手拇指指紋(不適用于十一歲以下的申請人)及拍攝照片(不適用于身高不超過9 0厘米的申請人) ,申請人會被邀請到等候間稍作等候。

Coins counted and checked were put into designated moneybags . they were dispatched together with a list of records to the account office where the cashiers or clerks would further inspect and countercheck the records . the bags of coins would then be stored in a strong room for delivery to the bank the following morning 數錢職員把點算好的硬幣以指定的錢袋盛載,連同紀錄卡一并交予出納部的總出納員或文員核對入賬,辦妥后所有錢袋會儲存于保險庫,留待第二天早上押往銀行。

The newest countercheck result of waterpower indicates that there are 1918 river with the drainage area of over 50 km2 in the whole province whose theoretical storage of waterpower resource is 864 . 2 * 104kw , ranking the first among the northeast area , accounting for about 50 % of that of the northeast area 最新水能資源復查成果表明:全省流域面積50km ~ 2以上河流1918條,水能資源理論蘊藏總量為864 . 2 10 ~ 4kw ,居東北地區之首,約占東北地區的50左右。

The assessment officer will countercheck the data on the application form , confirm the eligibility of the applicant for an identity card , and scan the applicant s left and right thumbprints again to ensure the captured records are in order 該主任會核實申請人領取身份證的資格,再次掃描申請人的指紋以確定已存檔的紀錄正確無誤,并收回舊有身份證(如有的話)及發出一張申請身份證收據予申請人。

Aeon successfully passed the countercheck of iso9000 : 2000 iso13485 quality assurance certification . . . . aeon freshly present the shangrila500 . . . . . 第53屆全國醫療器械春季博覽會將于2005年5月16日21日在中外聞明的北國冰城哈爾濱市的國際會展體育中心召開。

I am applying a recess on next wednesday as i had to get my analysis report and countercheck 我想下周三申請休假,因為我要去醫院取化驗報告及復查身體。

The feature of juvenile delinquency under the new circumstance and its countercheck 新形勢下未成年人違法犯罪的特征及預防

And then what ? one countercheck and they blow me away 那么怎么樣?一個復查就可以推翻我的證明