
counterblow n.反擊。 deliver a counterblow ...


Those conscienceless scoundrels who had the audacity to stab the eighth route and new fourth armies in the back , to perpetrate the massacres at pingkiang and chuehshan , to disrupt the border region and to attack progressive armies and organizations and progressive individuals - - these scoundrels must not be tolerated but must be dealt counterblows ; any concession to them is out of the question 對于那些喪盡天良的壞蛋,對于那些敢于向八路軍新四軍陣地后面打槍的人,對于那些敢于鬧平江慘案、確山慘案的人,對于那些敢于破壞邊區的人,對于那些敢于攻打進步軍隊、進步團體、進步人員的人,我們是決不能容忍的,是必定要還擊的,是決不能讓步的。

Strike a powerful counterblow ; hit back hard 給以有力的回擊。