
counterblast n.1.對抗氣流,逆風。2.強硬的抗議,猛烈的反駁。


No , something top notch , an all star irish cast , the tweedy - flower grand opera company with its own legal consort as leading lady as a sort of counterblast to the elster grimes and moody - manners , perfectly simple matter and he was quite sanguine of success , providing puffs in the local papers could be managed by some fellow with a bit of bounce who could pull the indispensable wires and thus combine business with pleasure 才不是呢,而是最高級的,是愛爾蘭首屈一指的名角會演,由特威迪-弗羅爾大型歌劇團團長的正式夫人擔任主角,足以和埃爾斯特格萊姆斯79與穆迪-曼納斯80一比高低。這是十分簡單的事,他對此舉的成功充滿自信。關鍵在于得有個能夠在背后操持料理的家伙,能讓當地的報紙給大吹大擂一番。

Come along , or it will be dark before we get to stourcastle , and there s no place we can sleep at nearer than that ; besides , we must get through another chapter of a counterblast to agnosticism before we turn in , now i have taken the trouble to bring the book 快走吧,不然我們走不到斯圖爾堡天就黑了,走不到那兒我們可找不到地方睡覺。另外,在我們睡覺之前,我們還要把駁不可知論的另一章讀完,你看,我還不怕麻煩地帶著這本書呢。 ”

Air - cooled generator with new design of counterblast 采用反向冷卻新設計的空冷發電機