
counterbalance vt.使平均,使平衡;補充,彌補;抵消(…的作用)。n....


In some versions of the ouroboros , the body is half light and half dark , alluding in this way to the successive counterbalancing of opposing principls as illustrated in the chinese yin - yang symbol for instance 在一些版本的蛇里面,身體是半黑半白,以這種方式暗指相反律則的連續性平衡,例如在中國陰和陽的插圖上表現出來。

With an unusual sensitivity to the business world , he perceives that rivals not only follow the rule of survival the fittest , but also coexist in a space where interaction , balance and counterbalance operate 商業社會弱肉強食,競爭對手之間不只是希望進占敵方的市場地位,更存在著知己知彼、互相制衡的微妙關系。

Accordingly , many have suggested that the particles that make up dark matter interact with one another like molecules in a gas , generating a pressure that counterbalances the force of gravity 因此許多天文學家認為,應該是組成暗物質的粒子與其他的粒子(例如氣體中的分子)發生交互作用,產生的壓力抵消重力所致。

To counterbalance these woes , the new elite may resort to even wilder forms of nationalism ; and that nationalism could turn into a monster that even its creators cannot control 為了應對這些難題,新的政治精英或許會訴諸更加寬泛的民族主義,而這種民族主義可能會演變成他們這些創造者無力管控的怪物。

To counterbalance these woes , the new elite may resort to even wilder forms of nationalism ; and that nationalism could turn into a monster that even its creators cannot control 為解決這些難題,新精英或許求諸于形式更為寬泛的民族主義,而這種民族主義可能會變成連它的創造者都無法掌控的怪物。

And then , after all , i go too fast in my conclusions : for what i yet know , you may be no better than the rest ; you may have intolerable defects to counterbalance your few good points 再說我的結論畢竟下得過于匆忙。就我所知,你也未必勝過其他人。也許有難以容忍的缺點,抵銷你不多的長處。 ”

This paper presents different layouts of counterbalanced battery lift truck , describes their advantages and shortcomings and shows how to determine traveling motor ' s power 摘要介紹平衡重式蓄電池叉車傳動系統布置方式,闡述了不同布置方式的優缺點和確定行走電機功率的計算方法。

You have honesty and feeling . there are not many girls like you . but perhaps i go too fast . perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points “你老實,有情感,像你這樣的女孩子很少見。不過也許我結論下得太快了,也許你有討厭的缺點來抵消你的好處。 ”

“ this excess mortality “ seemed to be counterbalanced by a reduced mortality from pulmonary cancer , possibly from cardiovascular diseases , or from other yet unidentified causes . “額外死亡率”也許是被下降的肺癌死亡率、心血管疾病的死亡率,或其他還未知的原因給拉平了。

And then , the author sets forth the key technique of the virtual forklift ' s manufacturing - the global performance designing system of the counterbalance electric forklift truck 然后,詳細闡述實現虛擬叉車設計的關鍵部分? ?平衡重式蓄電池叉車總體性能參數設計系統。

Now you are in the neutral position keep your arms comfortably extended , knees flexed ( 6 ) , back straight and body leaning back to counterbalance the weight of the rig 現在你就站在中立位置上了,盡情舒展雙臂,膝蓋彎曲,背挺直,身體向后傾斜,平衡橫衍的重量。

For the development of diversified culture , avoiding one culture dominating the world , we need different counterbalance , which requires different culture 摘要為了世界的多元文化的發展,為了世界不至為一種霸權文化所覆蓋,我們需要不同的制衡。

Kitesurf - safety requirements relative to the reduction or counterbalancing of the tensile stress and release - related safety requirements - test methods 放飛風箏.與降低或平衡拉伸應力相關的安全要求以及與釋放有關的安全要求.試驗方法

The laws of physics tell us how much mass has to be present to counterbalance the motions and thereby prevent the dispersal of the system 從物理定律我們可以推算出,究竟需要多少質量才能穩住這些運動,避免系統的分解。

The gaps will grow until the satellite ' s repulsive forces are counterbalanced by the tendency of rings to spread during collisions 環隙會一直拉大,直到衛星的斥力與行星環在碰撞時所產生向外擴散的力量達到平衡為止。

This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced , fully computerized testing paradigm 本課程目的在于探討情緒激發的概念,并學習對抗平衡技術及計算機計算化的研究方法。

This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced , fully computerized testing paradigm 本課程目的在于探討情緒激發的概念,并學習對抗平衡技術及電腦計算化的研究方法。

At the same time , rough sets is high sensitivity to the noise in the decision system , which can be counterbalance by bp neural network 同時,對于粗糙集理論比較敏感的決策系統噪聲, bp神經網絡可以較好地克服。

When china emerges as an undisputed pole in its own right , russia will likely seek new partners to counterbalance chinese power 當中國依靠自身實力成為無可爭議的一極后,俄羅斯將很可能尋找新的伙伴制衡中國。