
counterattack vt.,vi.,n.反攻,反擊。


We learned of the courage of the passengers aboard flight 93 - - american civilians who led the first counterattack in the war on terror 我們知道93航班乘客的英雄行為,他們是反恐怖戰爭中率先發起反擊的美國平民。

Ah corps sunset moment incoming trainee priests to the devil kunlun mirror peace , hold wand model ak47 a big counterattack 夕陽時刻噗噗軍團來襲,見習魔道士為了昆侖鏡的安寧,舉起魔杖型號ak47開始了大反擊。

While parma continued to play well , especially on the counterattack , milan were often caught making mistakes and losing possession 另外帕爾馬一直表現不錯,特別是反擊時,米蘭經常失誤,浪費領先優勢。

Now with dodge , you can start abusing your mongoose bite , or even better , if you parry , you can let loose your almighty counterattack 躲避后你可以使用貓噬,更好的是,格檔后你可以發動反擊。

Paralyzing touch iii - counterattack that stuns your opponent for 25 seconds or until they are hit . can only be used after a dodge 打暈目標25秒,只能在一次成功閃避后使用。目標受攻擊恢復。

China ' s limited nuclear counterattack ability is entirely for deterrence against possible nuclear attacks by other countries 中國保持有限的核反擊力量,是為了遏制他國對中國可能的核攻擊。

Now while the colossus is very dangerous against ground targets , it ' s much more vulnerable to an air counterattack 到現在“巨神像“是個非常危險的高地攻擊目標,更加容易受到空中打擊

In subsequent missions , you ' ll take the infamous town of carentan and defend it against a german counterattack 在接下來的關卡中,你將會奪取無名小鎮卡朗唐并在德軍的反擊中守衛它。

The pulse power supply is novelty in main circuit , superiority in anti - jamming and counterattack voltage 本重復頻率脈沖電源的結構新穎、功率大、抗干擾和反擊電壓的性能優越。

This audacious polish counterattack , called the battle of the river bzura , created a crisis 這次英勇果敢的波蘭反攻,即所謂“布祖臘河之役” ,造成了一個嚴重的局勢。

The counterattack roots you in place and it can not be dodged or parried , it is guaranteed to land 反擊會讓你定在一個地方,并且是不能被招架/格擋的,是肯定命中的。

In a real game , this mothership would now be out of energy and very vulnerable to a counterattack 在正式游戲中這時的“母艦“并沒有脫離危險并且非常容易受到一次反擊

Therefore , some active network security defense methods and counterattack methods need to be researched 因此需要研究一些積極主動的網絡安全防御手段和反擊手段。

Experience of the military political work in the sino - indian border counterattack in self - defence and its enlightenment 中印邊境自衛反擊戰我軍政治工作經驗及啟示

Yuke squadron disable the runway to prevent takeoffs . this will blunt their counterattack 讓他們的跑道無法運作(攻擊跑道) 。這樣可以鈍化他們的反擊。

Counterattack ( survival talent ) - all ranks of this talent will now share the same cooldown 反擊(生存天賦) -該天賦的所有級別均使用共同的冷卻時間。

Once you have obtained both deterrence and counterattack , go back and finish up your improved mongoose bite 在這二者都開啟后,再回去完成強化貓噬。

During the summer counterattack that lasted for one week , the soldiers had used up all the ammunition 2在長達一周的夏季反攻中,士兵們用盡了彈藥。

The analysis : the situation and issues of higher education on women and counterattack measures 女校高等教育基本狀況分析與問題應對措施初探