
counteractive adj.反對的,抵抗的,反作用的;中和性的,起抵消作用的...


Though there are a certain level of counteractive impacts to the market power from the price - differentiation agreement and dynamics of demand , the influence of market power cannot be eliminated ; 3 ) in the electricity market , the market power size is greatly influenced by the supply - demand relationship , extent of concentration , and market collusion 雖然差價合約和負荷需求彈性對市場力有一定的抑制作用,但并不能消除市場力的存在。 ( 3 )電力市場的供需關系、市場的集中度以及市場共謀的有效性極大地影響著市場力的大小;發電企業的成本和發電容量的限制在某種程度上也影響著市場力的實施效果。

Common ground is told , the immune system that aids is human body is destroyed by aids virus , make human body lost counteractive ability to all sorts of pathogen of minatory life , produce a variety of infection or tumor thereby , cause a kind of of death serious infection finally 通俗地講,艾滋病就是人體的免疫系統被艾滋病病毒破壞,使人體對威脅生命的各種病原體喪失了反抗能力,從而發生多種感染或腫瘤,最后導致死亡的一種嚴重傳染病。