
counteraction n.反對行動;反作用,反動,對抗(作用);中和,抵消。


According to the characteristic of digital adaptive heterodyne filter and the conception of interference counteraction , the paper presents a new structure to enable the filter track the interference signal precisely and control the width and depth of notch . through simulation , it is demonstrated that the new structure can suppress one or more interference signals and the filtering operation has little influence on signal spectrum 論文利用數字自適應外差濾波器的特點,運用干擾抵消的概念,提出了一種新的結構,能使濾波器精確跟蹤干擾信號,并能控制陷波的寬度和深度,經仿真驗證,該結構的濾波器能較好的抑制一個和多個干擾,同時濾除干擾后對信號頻譜的損害較小。

Through an analysis of marxist legal logical thought , the author points out the current status of poor understanding of and short of sound research on the concept of marxist legal counteraction in the circle of academia , which indicates a failure to grasp the essence and theoretical foundation of the legal counteraction , that is , failing to grasp the critical thought of marxian legal logic on economic phenomena 本文旨在對馬克思所揭示的經濟現象的法律邏輯思想進行梳理和總結,從反思目前學界對馬克思法律思想中法律反作用問題的認識不深和研究不夠的現狀出發,提出造成這種現象的原因在于沒有把握法律反作用的內在機理和理論基礎,即沒有把握馬克思有關經濟現象的法律邏輯的重要思想。

Based on this viewpoint , the dissertation concentrates on the relationship between media criticism and journalistic professionalism . the theoretical and case studies in the dissertation reveal the actions and counteractions of narrative media criticism as shown in the construction process of professional authority of journalism in the us 然后,本文以此為基點,集中分析了媒介批評與新聞專業主義的關系:一方面,將理論分析和案例分析相結合,揭示了作為敘事的媒介批評在美國新聞專業權威建構過程中的作用與反作用。

The reason for this may be analyzed roughly from the two main aspects stated below : on the one hand , most of jurists have a lack of the systematic knowledge of economics and this may be a demanding requirement for them ; on the other hand , there is a severe conflict existing between the values of economics and the values of law , and to some extent , the former may be held a counteraction against the latter 不過客觀地說,這方面的進展并不算很大,究其原因,出現這樣的境況大致有兩方面的障礙,其一是法學家大多不具備經濟學的系統知識,當然這是勉為其難的;其二是經濟學的價值觀和法學的價值觀確實存在著嚴重的沖突,在某種程度上甚至可以說前者是對后者的一種反動。

As the counteraction of the behavioralism and grand theory , historical institutionalism developed a new theory pattern of institutionalism , in this pattern , it inherited the tradition of attach importance to institutions in old institutionalism on one hand , and integrated the new marxism and new webberism on the other hand 作為對六、七年代盛行的行為主義和宏大理論的反動,歷史制度主義一方面繼承了舊制度主義重視制度的傳統,另一方面又通過對新馬克思主義和新韋伯主義理論的綜合,在制度的中軸上發展出一套新的理論模式。

This dissertation , through discussing respectively and researching by comparative method as to the compensation for damages for breach of a contract and for the infringement arising from road traffic accident which is related to serve contract , raises that , there exist mutual part and difference in the scope of damages , the principle of the fixation of liability , the proof of evidence , the rule of the counteraction between faults , the undertaking of the third party for the fault liability , the dealing of the free - rider with good - faith , as to the contract law and tort law in china 筆者在論文中,通過對具有服務合同關系的道路交通事故的違約損害賠償、侵權損害賠償的分別闡述和比較研究,說明了我國合同法和侵權行為法這兩種法律規范在賠償范圍、歸責原則、舉證責任、過失相抵規則適用、第三人過錯責任承擔、好意同乘者的處理等方面,既有相同之處,也存在諸多差異。

The relationship between finance and economy is that of action and counteraction . if the condition of financial system is compatible with the demand of economic development , it will promote the development of econony , and vice versa . the reform of economic system in china was began in rural area 金融與經濟的關系是作用與反作用的關系,如果金融體系適應經濟發展的水平和要求,金融體系便通過自身功能的發揮能動地促進一個國家或地區經濟的發展;如果金融體系的狀況不適應一個國家或地區經濟發展的水平和要求,它便會阻礙一個國家或地區經濟的發展。

Fin stabilizer is a kind of active stabilizer , which is designed on the principle of torque counteraction . fin stabilizer applied at present is an angle feedback system which calculate the controlling torque through the fin angle . because the relationship between the lift produced by fin and the fin angle is mainly determined by the hydrodynamic experiment , so there are some defects 目前使用的減搖鰭是一個角度反饋系統,它通過鰭的轉角來計算控制力矩,這樣就存在一些不足之處,因為鰭上產生的升力和鰭角的對應關系主要靠鰭模的水動力試驗來求得。

Speculative research is the oldest paradigm and it still occupies the dominant status in the education research paradigms of our country , and the arising of quantitative paradigm is a kind of counteraction to speculative paradigm that is full of the subject judgement and lack of the facts as base , and the springing up of quantitative research is on account of the dissatisfaction to the quantitative paradigm which takes education research as natural science research and materializes person . thus , we can see that these three research paradigms arise one after another , the later is the counteraction to the former 思辨研究是一種最古老而現在依然占據我國教育研究領域主流地位的范式,而定量研究的興起則是對思辨研究充滿了教育研究者的主觀判斷而缺乏事實基礎的不滿,定性研究的興起則是對定量研究把教育研究等同于自然科學研究,把人物化的不滿,可見,這三種研究范式是相繼興起的,后一種范式的興起是對前一種范式的反動與不滿。

And secondly , based on the investigating data , it calculated the allocation relationship among the interest bodies , and then it bring forward that we should nestle the farmers who lost their land by many possible ways to embody the capital value , also we think the key to the compensation is how to evaluate the land price objectively . next , from the analysis above , it point out the economic reason of forming the allocation pattern of land income mainly in three aspects : 1 ) what happened in the game process during the bargaining among different interests bodies ; 2 ) how to perfect the tenure of different interest bodies concerned during the bargaining ; 3 ) account for the enforcement from the view of investment and its combination ; moreover , it discussed the system construction about the interest allocation by a public participatory approaches in the standard establishment of land expropriation . lastly , we come to conclusions : 1 ) the land expropriation is a complex and severe question ; 2 ) the land income allocation has counteraction ; 3 ) the land expropriation allocation system should be necessarily constructed 其次,根據取得的調查數據,嚴格測算了在土地征用及出讓過程中土地收益在有關利益主體間的分配比例,提出在征地過程中要體現出土地的資產特性,并注意土地被征用后失地農民的安置途徑的多元化建設,同時指出對土地征用進行合理補償的核心問題是如何對土地價格進行客觀的評估;在以上分析的基礎上,闡述了形成現狀土地收益分配格局的經濟原因,主要從三個方面對該原因進行了說明: ( 1 )有關利益主體在交易過程中的博弈過程; ( 2 )相關利益主體在交易過程中產權的完善; ( 3 )從土地市場投資組合的角度來說明補償標準執行情況,并進一步探討了土地征用收益的合理分配及有關制度建設,提出征地補償標準的確立要加強公眾參與。

They have already been aware of the intense competition , at the same time have also taken a series of counteraction , that is , proceeding business process reorganization and information management . however they are only working on a kind of information technology revolution , not thorough and systematic information management 各集裝箱航運公司已意識到競爭的激烈性,同時也采取了一系列相應的對策,典型的是都進行各自的業務流程改造重組及信息化管理,然而就目前情況來看,這只能算作一種信息技術革命,并沒有將信息管理徹底系統化。

However , someone had wrongly accused and persecuted us in our past lives and we hated it . and when we encounter a similar situation again , we can t tolerate it and attempt to take revenge or counteractions . thus , we deepen the animosity in our heart and let the malicious atmosphere grow denser and stronger 不過因為前世有人曾冤枉我們壓迫我們,我們已經不喜歡了,所以現在碰到差不多的情況,我們就會受不了,想辦法報仇想辦法反應,我們又加深自己仇恨的心,使仇恨的氣氛更厚更堅固,然后形成我們仇恨的個性,那個就是我執。

The development of higher vocational education is affected by all kinds of social factors , which chiefly include economic increase , science and technology development - , market mechanism culture concept . meanwhile , higher vocational education also makes a great counteraction to them 高職教育的發展要受到社會各種因素的影響,其中經濟增長、科技發展、市場機制、文化觀念等是影響我國高職教育發展的主要因素,同時,高職教育也對它們具有巨大的反作用。

On one side , the dissertation link the texts of criticism and the criticism to text of criticism , which reveal the actions and counteractions of media criticism , as a sub - system to the total social system , as shown in the construction process of professional authority of journalism in the us 一方面,本文將批評的文本和對文本的再批評相結合,揭示了作為社會這一大系統內的子系統的媒介批評在美國新聞專業權威建構和社會發展過程中的作用與反作用。

The existing intrusion detection systems mostly work in a “ passive “ mode in response to network - based intrusions , so their countermeasures are limit locally and negatively in the intruded networks . so there is no active , wan - wide counteraction against detected intrusion 現有的入侵檢測系統對檢測到的入侵行為的所采取的措施都局限于被動的、本地的響應措施,而缺乏主動的、廣域網范圍內的反擊措施,因此都屬于被動響應網絡入侵。

Accordingly , capital market should be actively developed based on a clear understanding of the laws about capital market and regional economic growth so as to bring into play its huge counteraction towards regional economic growth in the process of opening the west 通過二者關系的分析可以看出,我們必須在全面認識西部大開發中資本市場和區域經濟增長規律的基礎上,積極發展資本市場,以發揮其對西部地區經濟增長的巨大反作用。

Finally , this thesis put forward the application of frequency diversity reception to the counteraction against the frequency selectivity decline in the airborne oceanic submarine laser communication system , and whose capability graph is educed through the simulation on the computer 文中提出把頻率分集接收技術應用于對潛通信中,以達到抗頻率選擇性衰落的目的,并通過計算機模擬得出了其性能曲線。

3 ) harmonizing the counteraction of indexes , the evaluating system quantifies the interaction among the liquidity , security and profitability , solves the marking problems when one index makes different effects on those elements 這樣就合理解決了同一指標在對流動性、安全性、盈利性三個方面產生不同影響時的量化問題,同時又科學地反映了這三個基本原則之間既相互依存又相互制約的矛盾關系。

The main contents are as follows : 1 . review the theory and application of sequential monte carlo method , and discusse the filtering error counteraction problem by a nonlinear and non - gaussian filtering example . 2 主要內容包括: 1 .充分回顧了貫序蒙特卡羅方法的主要理論背景與應用現狀,通過對一個非線性非高斯濾波算例的研究,討論了濾波誤差抵消問題。