
counteract vt.對…采取直接反對行動;抵抗,抵制,阻礙,打破(計劃...


An animal experiment on effect of bone - joining capsule in counteracting inflammation , easing pain and promoting bone repair 接骨膠囊促進骨修復及抗炎鎮痛作用的動物實驗

To the users , both detector and responder play the same important role in counteracting network - based intrusion 對用戶來說,網絡安全體系中檢測者和響應者同樣重要。

Treatments to counteract the effects of cyanobacterial toxins in animals have not been extensively investigated to date 治療抗衡藍藻毒素影響動物調查至今尚未廣泛

Gene bcl - 2 prolongs cells viability , while gene bax counteracts bcl - 2 to induce cells apoptosis Bcl二基因抑制細胞凋亡,而bax基因的作用則相反,誘導細胞凋亡。

Social existence determines the social consciousness and social consciousness counteract the social existence 社會存在決定社會意識,社會意識反作用于社會存在。

If the shock position cannot be used , a warm covering helps to counteract the effect of shock 如果無法讓傷者采取休克時的姿勢躺下,可以通過保溫來減輕疼痛。

He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course 為了修正對正確路線的偏離,現在,他要朝右開始他那一搖一晃的行程了。

I hadn t skill to counteract the effect his account had produced : it was just what he intended 我卻沒有本事把他的話所產生的效果取消而那正是他的打算。

Much conflict caused by these problems counteracts the development of chinese subcontract project 這些問題產生了許多沖突,影響著轉包生產的發展。

Atractylodes tonifies digestion and counteracts fatigue , diarrhea , lack of appetite and vomiting 蒼術:食欲不振、嘔吐泄瀉、健胃安脾,助消化。

How retailers should counteract the globalized expansion strategy of transnational corporations 我國零售業如何應對跨國公司國際一體化擴張戰略

This vantage readily accepts ambiguities and the counteracting forces in nature 這種優勢,可讓他們輕易接受自然界的模?兩可及相互對抗的力量。

The paper introduces some ways used to counteract the shaft - rate electric field at last 文中對國外所采用的軸頻電場的抵消方法做了介紹。

A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison 解毒藥,解毒劑用于中和或對抗毒藥作用的藥物或藥劑

Offset something that balances , counteracts , or compensates the effects of another thing 彌補用來平衡、抵消或償還另一財物的東西。

On the counteracting principle of typical semantic palpitating theory answer to mr . huang zhanyi 答唐樸林先生兼與劉正國先生商榷

What quality did it his hand possess but with what counteracting influence 它他的手具有什么特性,然而又伴隨著什么抵消作用?

Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy in counteracting the side effects of anti epileptic medicine 抗癲癇藥物不良反應的針灸治療

Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization 旨在抵消狹窄的專門化教學內容而設計了種種智力測驗。