
counter n.1.計算者;計算器;計數器。2.籌碼,號碼;偽幣;劣...


I turned immediately into a shop and walked along down the counter . 我馬上磨過頭來,進了一個鋪子,順著柜臺慢慢兒往里走。

An extension of the spindle shaft drives a counter for totalizing discharge . 心軸的延長部分帶動一個累計流量的計量器。

You can figure on losing about a fifth of your force in counter offensives . 反擊戰的兵力消耗須以不超過五分之一為度。

In a synchronous counter all stages are triggered by a common clock . 在同步計算器中,所有觸發器均由同一個時鐘觸發。

Trina would arrive breathless from her raids upon the bargain counters . 屈麗娜在廉價部搶購了東西,氣急敗壞地趕來。

And you may ask the service counter on this floor to have it sent to you . 你可以叫這層的服務員把早餐送到你房間來。

Those of the other pulse should be subtracted to the content of the counter . 另一列脈沖則應從計數器中的數中減去。

An adjustable high voltage supply to operate the counter is necessary . 必須備有一臺供給計數器用的可調高壓電源

He took sixpence from the palm of her hand and went to the counter to pay . 他從她手心里拿了六便士到柜臺付了錢。

“ain't she cute?“ red sam's wife said leaning over the counter . “看她多伶俐!”紅臉薩姆的妻子俯身在柜臺上說。

Under the counter of the dhow the whale-boat was tossing furiously . 船尾下面,我們的救生艇在后面激烈地顛簸著。

The advantage of the modified ring counter is that it is self-starting . 改進的環形計數器的優點是可以自行起動。

A younger counter staff helps to eradicate the formidable image . 啟用年輕的柜臺職員有助于消除令人生畏的形象。

The liquor dealer was arrested for selling beer under the counter to teenagers . 酒商因私下售酒給少年而被捕。

He fell into discourse with the customers who were drinking at the counter . 他和站在柜臺旁的酒客談了起來。

Yes , you may ask the service counter on your floor to have it sent to you . 你可以叫樓層服務員送到你房間。

Here was strong evidence to counter the creation of a hitler legend . 這是反對杜撰希特勒傳奇的有力證據。

This type of counter is called a parallel-carry synchronous counter . 這種計數器稱為并行進位同步計數器。

Henry's had been made over from a saloon into a lunch counter . 亨利開的小餐館是由一片酒吧間改造的。