
countenance n.1.容貌,相貌;臉色,氣色;面目。2.獎勵;鼓勵;縱...


Byron followed along on the tour without another word, his countenance white and angry . 拜倫跟著他們巡視,一句話也不說,臉色蒼白,帶著怒色。

Judith fastened her deep blue eyes on the open frank countenance of her companion . 尤蒂絲用她那雙深邃的藍眼睛盯著朋友那張坦率、誠摯的面孔。

I read in his countenance what arguish it was to offer that sacrifice to spleen . 我從他臉上看出來是怎樣的痛苦,才能使他向怒火獻上這個祭品。

The amiable countenance of mr. pickwick was fast recovering its customary expression . 匹克威克先生的和藹的臉孔在很快地恢復著平常的表情。

His mien and his countenance awed every heart, even before a sound left his lips . 他還沒有出聲,他的態度和容貌已經使每顆心都凜然生畏。

Government that claims to reflect the general will countenance no such restraint . 那些自稱代表普遍民意的政府卻從來也不會容許這種克制。

As i was in the act of lighting the pipe i caught sight of my own countenance in the glass . 點煙的時候,我無意在鏡中瞥見了我的尊容。

The light of a laugh never came to brighten their sombre and wicked countenances . 歡樂的光芒從來未照亮過他們那陰郁邪惡的面孔。

Sir. willoughby's countenance was enough for his friend horace . 威洛比爵士的面部表情向他的朋友霍拉斯表達了他要說的一切。

He is a gentle man, has a fine countenance and a charming voice . 他是個溫文爾雅的人,生得眉清目秀,談話的聲音非常悅耳。

Mr. pickwick's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy . 匹克威克先生臉上閃耀著博愛眾生的表情。

Her rich hair shaded her spirited and yet soft countenance . 她那濃黑的秀發襯托著一張神采奕奕,卻是柔和溫存的臉蛋。

The barons of normandy had refused to countenance the enterprise officially . 諾曼底的貴族們拒絕正式贊助這樁買賣。

When there seemed to be countenance given to it, he would turn informer . 只要看樣子有人支持,他就會成為告密者。

His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom . 他頓時愁眉鎖眼,露出了無限深沉的憂郁。

Nobody dared to annoy one whom he honored with his countenance . 凡是他所寵愛的人,沒有人敢去唣。

He easily perceived there was an alteration in my countenance . 他立刻看出我的臉色和往常有些不同。

They think we dine at two o'clock and countenance divorce ! 他們以為我們兩點鐘吃飯,而且鼓勵離婚!

St. clare's fine countenance was for a moment overcast . 圣克萊亞英俊的面孔一下子變得十分陰郁。