
countdown n.1.(火箭、核彈等準備發射、爆炸時的)時間計算(階段...


The countdown going on right now 現在開始倒計時了

The countdown began , and then the other runners and i were off 時間已開始倒數,而其他的選手和我象離弦之箭!

The countdown has begun . only two weeks until i graduate 倒數計時已經開始了。距離我畢業只剩下兩星期而已!

Chinese top legislator joins national one - year countdown to olympics 國航正式實施與英航的電子客票聯運合作

The countdown is about to begin 不如我們一起倒數好嗎?

At 1 , 000 rpm , we will countdown to launch . on your mark 在每分鐘1 , 000轉,我們將倒數發射.以你們的標記

Got it . the countdown ' s slowing down 好了,倒數慢下來了

Countdown markings used to indicate the distance to an exit from a road 倒數標志:說明與道路出口的距離

After countdown , get a packet of these , 然后拿一袋子這個

Countdown event , performances by local communities and artists 倒數活動、演藝人士及地區團體表演

Thursday : watch countdown or brainteaser 周四:看益智類節目。

He said that the world would end and the countdown would begin 他說如果托滕可夫得到那個瓶子的話

Lisa are you okay ? - no gary the countdown 麗莎你還好嗎不凱瑞

Countdown starting on underground test at alamogordo continues 倒計時alamogordo進行的地下測試

We watched the countdown of the space shuttle on tv 我們在電視上觀看到火箭發射的倒計時情景了。

Gt3d set precise time , with a few countdown lcd display Gt3d :時間設定精確,有順數倒數lcd顯示

Special event “ tokyo disneyland countdown party 2008 特別活動東京迪士尼樂園倒數計時派對2008

( male announcer ) now , hear this . the christmas countdown has begun 大家注意,圣誕倒計時開始了

Four minutes . - countdown is on , bro 四分鐘-要倒數計時了,兄弟