
count vt.1.計數,計算,列舉,清點。2.算進,計進;包括。...


It was the superficial things that counted for henry . 亨利非常重視表面上的東西。

“i like a cigar to really draw,“ said the count . “我喜歡通氣的雪茄,”伯爵說。

You are counting without your host . 你是在打如意算盤。

Meticulously nyuk tsin counted off . 玉珍早就嚴陣以待。

There were so many that he couldn't keep count of them . 太多了,他無法數清他們。

They weren't shy when it came time to count the money . 數錢的時候他們毫不客氣。

They counted over a hundred heavy bombs . 他們數了一下,一共有100多枚重型炸彈。

She was found guilty on all counts . 她被判各項罪名成立。

I count myself lucky to have a job . 我有工作實在很幸運。

The count was a low-lived brute . 伯爵是個荒淫無恥的家伙。

The count and his men arrayed themselves against the king . 伯爵舉兵對抗國王。

“the counting rule“ gives the correct result . “統計法則”能給出正確的結果。

It is the first wrong steps that count . 這是開始誤入歧途的,關系重大的步驟。

The children are learning how to count . 孩子們在學數數兒。

Now, eva, have you kept count of your things ? 喂,伊娃,你的東西都點過了嗎?

To sum up the opening wedge was what counted . 總而言之,打開缺口是頂要緊的。

The referee counted him out in the first round . 裁判判定他在第一回合被擊敗。

You can count on me to help in case of difficulty . 設有困難,當助一臂之力。

We count her as one of our oldest friends . 我們把她看作交情最久的一個朋友。