
counselor 短語和例子counsel(l)orn.1.顧問,參事;參...


You should call the counselor and make an appointment 你應該打個電話給法律顧問約個時間談談

The counselor bilked his clients out of $ 2 million 那位顧問從他的顧客那里騙取了200萬美元。

Yes , and your courtroom tussles with counselor audrey woods 是的,你和奧黛麗律師之間的沖突

And in respect to the counselor chose you king , 我出力讓議會選你為王

Empathic and telepathic abilities , ship ' s counselor - - 具有超強的心靈感應能力,飛船的顧問官

Right ! director choi , you move to counselor kim ' s position 沒錯!崔主任,你到金顧問的位置

Andsometimes , counselor , we obey the law , 而且有時律師我們遵守法律

Empathic and telepathic abilities , ship ' s counselor - 具有超強的心靈感應能力,飛船的顧問官

Counselor woods , i ' d like to ask you a question , if i may 伍茲律師,請允許我問你一個問題

The counselor bounced up to denounce discount 顧問上升蹦跳指責折扣。

The role of psychological counselors in crisis intervention 心理咨詢師在危機干預中的作用

Counselor . thanks for meeting me . - sure 律師?謝謝同意與我見面-當然

They ' re gonna make me a sensitivity counselor 他們想給我一份顧問的工作

They went to see a marriage guidance counselor 他們去找婚姻指導顧問。

My counselor ' s girlfriend works at her school 我顧問的女友在她學校工作

- counselor . thanks for meeting me . - sure -律師?謝謝同意與我見面-當然

Happy graduation counselor , love , mom and dad . 祝賀法律顧問畢業,愛你的,媽媽,爸爸

Sometimes , our intuitions are our best counselors 有時直覺是最好的導師

- what ? - that ' s a good look , counselor -什么? -你的表情很不錯,律師先生