
counsel n.1.商議;勸導,忠告。2.〔古語〕深思熟慮,審慎。3...


At the conclusion she sobbed again, kissed her sister, promised to recollect all the good counsel she had given her, and they parted . 最后她又啜泣著吻她姐姐,答應要記住她的忠告,她倆就這樣分手了。

Mr. nichil novit was seen actively instructing the counsel for the panel, busy, bustling, and important . 尼希爾諾維脫先生正在熱心地向公訴律師提供被告的事實情況,顯出一副忙亂而了不起的樣子。

The white man seemed to take counsel from their customs, and relinquishing his grasp of the rifle, he also remained silent and reserved . 那白人顯然也學了他們的樣,他放下槍,同樣保持著緘默。

As long as your interests and my interests were at variance i could give you no counsel on this subject . 既然你的利益和我的利益沖突,我就不能在這個問題上向你提出任何忠告。

Judge hoffman sentenced all the defendants and their counsel to terms of imprisonment for contempt of court . 法官霍夫曼以蔑視法庭罪判處所有被告和他們的辯護人有期徒刑。

The existence of displacement costs also counsels gradualism in the removal of existing trade barriers . 由于轉移費用的存在,因而建議在取消現有貿易壁壘時采用漸進主義。

The bringing all these scattered counsels thus into a focus enabled them to make greater impression . 這些散見各處的勸善之言這樣集中起來,就會給人們留下更深刻印象。

A cat caught a cock, and took counsel with himself how he might find a reasonable excuse for eating him . 貓逮住了公雞,便暗自思忖一個說得過去的借口來吃掉公雞。

Darker fears or better impulses supplanted the counsel of the voice in the great hall . 更陰沉的恐懼心,也許可以說是幾分天良,代替了那座大廳里的勸告的聲音。

Mrs. pryor is a wise, good woman; she can counsel you when you need counsel . 普賴爾太太是個聰明善良的女人,有什么事需要商量的時候,可以同她商量。

We lodged and boarded together; he counseled me as a father, having a sincere regard for me . 我們一塊吃住,他象父輩那樣諄諄囑咐我,真誠關心我。

Counsel must be well-informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected . 律師務必對所選定的法院的實體法和沖突法了若指掌。

From their counsel or their conversation she knew she could receive no assistance . 從她們的談話和議論中,她知道自己不可能得到她們的幫助。

Perhaps your envy counselled mr. heathcliff to rob me of my treasures ? 或者是你出于嫉妒,給希刺克厲夫先生出主意把我的珍藏搶去吧?

I urge you to begin preparing for the hearings now, with help from legal counsel . 我勸你現在就在法律顧問協助下,為聽證會做準備。

If he could act as adviser to this man-be his sole counsel for four years ! 倘使他能夠做這個人的顧問--做四年唯一的顧問該多好呀!

In 1972, the dropout rate among those whom aspira counsels was 6. 6 percent . 1972年埃斯皮拉所輔導的學生,退學率只占66。

I would give him some good counsel that would soon cure him of his love . 我一定好好給他出個主意,很快就能治好他的相思病。

Naacp and other militant negro groups counseled resistance . 全國有色人種協進會和其他富于戰斗性的黑人團體商討抵抗辦法。