
councilor n.(市會、鎮會等的)參議員;委員;顧問,參贊。 a c...


Professor dennis lo yuk - ming , li ka shing professor of medicine and professor of chemical pathology of the chinese university of hong kong was bestowed the 2006 cheung kong achievement award today . the presentation ceremony took place at the great hall of the people . ms chen zhili , state councilor , attended the ceremony and presented the awards 香港中文大學醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授、化學病理學講座教授盧煜明教授于今日( 3月28日)獲頒授2006年長江學者成就獎,頒獎典禮在北京人民大會堂隆重舉行,陳至立國務委員出席了頒獎典禮。

New york city ' s northernmost borough , the bronx , is a typically poor community , where children on the street are often in thin clothes despite the freezing weather . for the 15th annual winter relief carried out by tzu chi ' s new york chapter , volunteers cooperated with a city councilor ' s office and local community groups to distribute winter coats to bronx residents , adding some warmth to the cold winter 紐約市的最北端的市政中心布朗士,是典型的貧窮社區,市區的孩子常在冬天時穿著單薄,紐約分會進行冬令發放已經第15年了,這次志工與市議員辦公室,和當地社區一起,為布朗士社區進行發放,為寒冷的冬天帶來暖意。

That classic taoist quoted in putonghua by the swiss federal councilor and head of the federal department of economic affairs reflects how eager the swiss government is to attract chinese companies to a country “ that is neutral … but far from flavorless ” 那句來自瑞士聯邦議員兼聯邦經濟事務部領導用普通話說出的老子明言反映出瑞士政府對吸引中國企業到瑞士中立而不失吸引力的國家投資的重視。

Professor tian is the vice president of foreign language teaching research association of the chinese society of education ; councilor of china association of functional linguistics ; and president of hebei collegiate foreign language teaching research association 田貴森教授是中國教育學會外語教學專業委員會副理事長,全國功能語言學學會常務理事,兼任河北省高校外語教學研究會會長。

Mr . michael huddart , executive vice president and general manager , hong kong , manulife international limited , accompanied by the staff and insurance advisor representatives , received the award from legislative councilor bernard chan jp 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司行政副總裁兼香港區總經理何達德與員工及保險顧問代表于頒獎典禮上接受立法會議員陳智思太平紳士頒發此項大獎。

Industrial science and technology ministers meeting , by song jian , state councilor and chairman of state science and technology commission . trade ministers meeting , by wu yi , minister of foreign economic relations and trade 基金的宗旨是促進我與apec其他成員政府及企業的多雙邊經濟技術交流與合作,為我改革開放和經濟發展服務,并為apec經濟技術合作作出貢獻。

Group photo of front left to right mr . thomas tang , executive director of hong kong productivity council , mr . y . c . cheng and the hon p . c . lau , legislative councilor and convenor of the jpc with our guest speakers 前排左起香港生產力促進局總裁鄧觀瑤先生鄭恩賜先生及立法會議員兼專業聯合中心召集人劉炳章先生與眾講者嘉賓合照。

And with some vanity - for he was happy in his cousin s astonishment - he entered into particulars . the marquis was a councilor of state ; the count had recently been appointed chamberlain to the empress 見表兄感到很驚奇,他心中暗暗高興,出于虛榮心,他說得更詳細了:侯爵是國務參事,伯爵剛剛被任命為皇后的侍從長官。

Minister bo xilai met with swiss federal councilor and minister of economics doris leuthard on july 8 in beijing . they exchanged views on subjects concerning bilateral trade and economic development 7月8日,商務部長薄熙來與瑞士聯邦委員兼經濟部長洛伊特哈德在北京舉行會談,就雙邊經貿關系的廣泛議題交換意見。

Chiayi county deputy magistrate wu jung - hui right and speaker tung hsiang of the chiayi county council first from left cut a vegetarian cake for the inaugural reception , while chiayi county councilor wu ssu - jung middle claps 吳容輝副縣長右與董象議長左一為開幕茶會切素糕。圖中鼓掌者為吳思容女士

“ during the visit he will meet with premier wen jiabao and state councilor tang jiaxuan , “ chinese foreign ministry spokesman liu jianchao told reporters at a regular briefing on tuesday 中國方面表示溫總理將會接見到訪的日經產省大臣二階俊博,后者將在周二抵京并作短暫訪問以緩和緊張的中日關系。

President premier vice premier state councilor minister governor bureau director county magistrate , county head department head section chief head of the township chairman of the village committee 國家主席總理副總理國務委員部長省長廳局長縣長處長科長鄉長村民委員會主任

He is also the current chairman of the council . he was elected as a councilor of the general insurance council of the hong kong federation of insurer during 2000 01 and 2003 4 陳氏分別于二千二零零一年度及二零零三零四年度獲選為香港保險業聯會一般保險總會委員。

Councilor jones displayed much public spirit by donating five hundred pounds for a new bus shelter by the old people ' s home 瓊斯政務員發揚了高度的熱心公益的精神,他捐款500英鎊為在老人公寓附近修建一個新的公共汽車候車亭。

Councilor jones must have pulled a few strings to obtain planning permission to build another house in the grounds of his present one 為了能在他現在土地使用范圍再造所房子的計劃得以批準,瓊斯政務員一定是在背后拉了線。

Chinese state councilor chen zhili has called for the development of physical education in schools in order to improve the health of young people 國務委員陳至立要求學校加強體育教育,以提高年青一代的體質。

Chinese state councilor chen zhili has called for the development of physical education in schools in order to improve the health of young people 國務委員陳至立呼吁學校發展體育教育來改善年輕人的健康。

Dr lee is the chairman of pei hua education foundation company limited , and the honorary councilor of rehabilitation international 李博士是香港培華教育基金會的主席,也是國際復康計劃的榮譽顧問。

On may 15 , 2006 the councilor of dubbo , richard mutton came with eleven students from australia to our school 2006年5月15日,澳大利亞達博市議員里查德?馬頓先生帶領11位澳大利亞的孩子來校訪問交流。