
councilman 議事機構的成員;〔美國〕市[鎮、村]會議員〔英國通常用 ...


On march 1 , 1950 , chiang resumed the presidency in taipei . politically , he began to implement local self - government by holding local elections for county magistrates , city mayors , and both county and city councilmen 在政治方面,開始實行地方自治,進行縣市議員與縣市長的民選在經濟方面,先后實施三七五減租公地放領及耕者有其田方案,成功的完成了土地改革。

Philadelphia - a philadelphia official wants the city council to look at whether the city ' s sidewalks should be made of rubber . city councilman jim kenney recently toured chicago to see environmentally - friendly city projects there 美國費城的一名市議會議員最近向其所在機構提出了自己的獨特建議,希望能夠在該市修建完全使用橡膠材質的人行道。

We want to pray for our president ; if you are in another country you want to pray for your royalty and your prime ministers . you want to pray for your senators , your congressmen , your governors , your city councilmen 若你身在其他國家,請為你的皇室成員禱告,為你的首相禱告,為你的參議員國會議員地方長官?議員領袖禱告,那些帶來改變的人。

City councilman jim kenney recently toured chicago to see environmentally - friendly city projects there . he came back with a number of ideas on which he plans to hold hearings . one is using rubber for sidewalks 美國費城的一名市議會議員最近向其所在機構提出了自己的獨特建議,希望能夠在該市修建完全使用橡膠材質的人行道。

At least , that ' s what a sao paulo city councilman thinks and that ' s why he wants to officially declare aug . 13 vampire day , to coincide with a city - wide drive for blood donations 至少巴西圣保羅市議員若澤?奧利韋拉是這么認為的。他還想把8月13日正式定為“吸血鬼節“呢,正好配合全市的獻血運動。

Ccba and councilman john liu ' s office hosted a press conference and asked people to go to a rally against tv channel eleven at 1 : 30pm on february 4 , 2007 中華公所與劉醇逸市議員辦公室召開記者招待會,號召僑胞在二月四日下午一時半,到十一號電視臺抗議該臺訛稱某華人餐館以鼠肉充雞肉一事。

“ many threats have been directed to the eight council members nominated to the post , “ faiyek said , adding that another councilman escaped an assassination attempt on monday 該負責人還說, 8名獲得提名的委員會成員均受到了武裝分子的威脅,而另一名成員周一幸運的逃脫了暗殺。

In the past two months , insurgents have come to mansour to gun down a city councilman , kidnap four russian embassy workers , shoot a tailor dead in his shop and bomb a pastry shop 如今,曼塞爾距加強警備的綠色地帶只有三英里,感覺更像戰時的貝魯特而非派克大街。

Chinatown new main gate review this chinatown new main gateway was officially opened on june 28 , 2001 by join council district i councilman mike hernandez 曾被譽之為“電影城” ,最近因為電視盛行,在該處攝制的電影也就相對減少。

At a later stage , a dying hepatocyte is seen shrinking down to form an eosinophilic “ councilman body “ below the arrow on the left 進一步發展,如左側箭頭所示,瀕臨死亡的肝細胞正濃縮形成嗜酸性小體。

“ our intention is to pay homage to a good vampire , “ city councilman jose laurindo de oliveira told the newspaper jornal da tarde 奧利韋拉對當地的《新聞午報》說: “我們要以此向善良的吸血鬼致敬。

“ our intention is to pay homage to a good vampire , “ city councilman jose laurindo de oliveira told the newspaper jornal da tarde 奧利韋拉對當地的新聞午報說: “我們要以此向善良的吸血鬼致敬。

F . o . “ frosty “ peak was elected to his first term as ward 1 councilman in april , 1993 and was re - elected in 1997 歡迎來到奧克拉哈馬城華人社區有消息發布,介紹您的公司或產品,

A tokyo city councilman 東京市議員

State assemblyman jimmy meng and city councilman john liu attended the meeting 州眾議員孟廣瑞和市議員劉醇逸皆出席了會議。

- raising hell with the councilman . - you gonna bury sweet , or are we -她就去找過那個議員-是你去對付斯維特還是我們?

Raising hell with the councilman . - you gonna bury sweet , or are we 她就去找過那個議員-是你去對付斯維特還是我們?

- was that councilman helpful ? - oh , yeah . a real public servant -那個議員有幫助嗎? -哦,是的,真正的人民公仆

Was that councilman helpful ? - oh , yeah . a real public servant 那個議員有幫助嗎? -哦,是的,真正的人民公仆