
councillor n.(市會、鎮會等的)參議員;委員;顧問,參贊。 a c...


Enquiries representatives made by leg . councillors or district board members -立法會議員或區議會議員的質詢申述

Enquiriesrepresentatives made by leg . councillors or district board members 立法會議員或區議會議員的質詢申述

Chan kwok - keung legislative councillor 立法會議員

District councillors visiting the observatory s hong kong meteorological centre 區議員參觀天文臺香港氣象中心

The vice - premiers and state councillors shall assist the premier in his work 副總理、國務委員協助總理工作。

New territories district councillors 區議員(新界區)

Hong kong island district councillors 區議員(港島區)

State councillor tang jiaxuan is on an official visit to nepal 中國國務委員唐家璇在對尼泊爾進行正式訪問。

Legislative councillor , hksar 香港特別行政區立法會議員

Indeed , there are also legislative councillors who are dc members 事實上,亦有立法會議員身兼區議員。

State councillor officiates at giant pandas gift presentation ceremony 國務委員唐家璇主持大熊貓送贈儀式

- that is correct , councillor , i did . - knowing what he planned to do with it -是的-你明知他要去哪里?

Mr chan kam - lam and mr ambrose lau are legislative councillors 陳鑒林先生及劉漢銓先生均為立法會議員。

Also today , evans met with china s state councillor wu yi 埃文斯部長今天還會晤了中國國務委員吳儀。

Visit of swiss federal councillor mr . joseph deiss to geberit shanghai Joseph deiss先生訪問上海吉博力

That is correct , councillor , i did . - knowing what he planned to do with it 是的-你明知他要去哪里?

Legislative councillor mr . norman t . l 陳國強先生立法會議員

What do you think councillor evans 埃文斯議員,你意見如何?

Chief executive meets with state councillor 行政長官談話全文