
council n.1.議事〔行政,參議,立法〕機構;委員會;理事會;公...

council board

I had been entitled to six thousand marks annually as a member of prussian council of state . 我當上普魯士州議會議員以來,每年獲六千馬克進項。

The beautification has more or less overwhelmed me, both at the library and in the council . 美化運動的工作在圖書館和委員會里多少把我累垮了。

A security council meeting was likely to generate rhetoric that put us on the defensive . 安理會如果開會,很可能會引出使我們處于守勢的講話。

The council also affirmed the need to guarantee free navigation through international waterways . 安理會還會確認需要保證國際水道的航行自由。

He gave a flat assurance that they would introduce no resolution in the security council . 他直截了當地保證他們不會在安理會提出任何決議案。

Such reprocessing is currently blocked by a natural resources defense council suit . 根據自然資源保護委員會的意見,這樣的再加工目前被禁止。

Councils should charge realistic rents in order to give people an incentive to own their houses . 地方當局應采取合理的房租以鼓勵人們買房。

The decrees of vatican council ii appealed to the bible more than to tradition . 梵蒂岡第二屆會議的教令更多地求助于圣經,而不是傳統。

Its role was to review the options to be presented to the national security council . 它的作用是審議各種待提交國家安全委員會的抉擇。

The council brought pressure to bear on the landlord to improve his property . 市政會向房主施加了壓力,促使其改善房子的居住條件。

“leave it to the town councilor,“ said the town council with a malicious air . 鎮上的議員們幸災樂禍地說,“讓鎮議長去辦理吧。”

A plan of the new housing estate may be seen at the offices of the town council . 新的住宅區建筑計劃可以在鎮議會的辦事處看到。

The elected governing body of local government area is also called council . 經選舉產生的地方行政區域的管理機構也稱為政務會。

As the man was unemployed, the council decided to write off the arrears of rent . 因為這個人失業,地方議會決定取消其欠租。

After a brief discussion the plan was remitted to the supreme war council . 經過簡單的討論以后,該計劃提交給最高軍事會議。

In reply to it the emperor decreed merely that an advisory council be created . 皇帝的答復只是下旨設立一個資政院。

The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs . 部落會議也有罷免首領和酋帥的權利。

The security council can restore the rights of a suspended member state . 安全理事會可恢復會員國被中止的權利。

They despised the feeble interference of the english council of state . 他們對于英格蘭議會的輕微干涉置之不理。