
coulter n.= colter.


Liam martin compston and his best pal pinball william ruane peddling cheap cigarettes in pubs . his mom , jean michelle coulter , who has taken a fall for her drug - dealing boyfriend stan gary mccormack , is due for release from prison in two months 15歲雙失少年賴恩和他老友波子在酒吧販賣私煙,而媽媽卻為毒販男友史丹頂罪入獄,兩個月內便出獄,剛好趕及賴恩16歲生日。

But words matter . ann coulter knew that when she recently used an anti - gay slur to describe john edwards 但是用詞是要緊的。 anncoulter當她最近用反同性戀的詞匯形容johnedwards的時候,她就知道這個道理了。

But all the israelites went down to the philistines , to sharpen every man his share , and his coulter , and his axe , and his mattock 以色列眾人要磨鋤頭、犁頭、斧頭和鏟子,就各自下到非利士人那里去磨。

Marisa coulter : you think she is that child ? she must be found 瑪麗莎?卡爾特:你認為是那個孩子?一定要有理有據。

A method of creating coulter stks df scatterplot 散點圖的生成方法

Uh , kelly . kelly coulter . so , okay , that ' s two 嗯,凱麗,凱麗?庫特好了,現在有2次了