
coulometer n.【電學】電量計,庫侖計。


The central control room of the branch is located in the bank of communications plaza in the lujiazui , shanghai , which adopts the xbrother developed professional security and facility control system which monitors and controls 10 subsystems in the central control room , including : the ups control system ; the coulometer control system ; the leaking control system ; the temperature and humidity control system ; the air conditioning control system ; the video surveillance system ; the sensor of in out water temperature control system ; the access control system ; the switch control system and ; the fire alarm system 交通銀行機房位于上海浦東新區陸家嘴金融中心的交銀金融大廈內,其機房監控系統采用我司自主研制的專業機房監控系統。對機房內的ups監控系統電量儀監測系統漏水監控系統溫濕度監控系統空調監控系統視頻監控系統進出水溫傳感器監測系統門禁監控系統開關狀態監控系統消防監控系統等10個子系統進行集中監控,對所有的設備和系統進行工作狀態運行參數報警處理等監視和管理。

Ch400 transformer coulometer can be widely applied in test on production line of small manufacturer of transformer or rectifier power or in labs Ch400變壓器電量測量儀系列可廣泛用于各種小型變壓器或整流器電源等廠家的生產流水線測試,實驗室試品試驗等場合。