
could (can 的過去式)1.〔特殊用例〕打算,要,想。 I...


How could they have so many stores ? 他們怎么會有這么許許多多店鋪呢?

She was filled with fury and could not speak . 她氣得連話也說不出來。

He could not sum up his experience . 他未能從他自己經歷中理出頭緒來。

He could see three people through the mist . 他透過霧能看見三個人。

You could always try his home number . 你總可以試一試他家的電話號碼。

Could you spell that word out for me again ? 那個字你再拼一遍好嗎?

Could i arrange a meeting with the director ? 我可以約見負責人嗎?

I could do so , if i would . 我要是想做,我是做得到的(但不想做)。

We could n't think where she had gone to . 我們想不出來她到哪里去了。

But she could hardly get down a morsel . 但她簡直連一口也吃不下去。

She held herself in as long as she could . 她盡可能地抑制著她的感情。

I could not bear for him to stay elsewhere . 我不能容忍他待在別處。

How could you be so wicked, so cruel ? 你怎么能這樣刁鉆,這樣冷酷?

Could you put me through to the manager , please . 勞駕請經理接電話。

He could trample on them with ease . 他便能隨心所欲地粗暴對待他們的。

I could n't muster up much enthusiasm for it . 我對這件事鼓不起勁來。

No great power could run the world . 沒有任何大國可以操縱這個世界。

The united states could overtake the germans . 美國能夠趕在德國前面。

Disappointment could only create bad feeling . 失望只能使情緒低落。