
cough n.1.咳,咳嗽。2.咳嗽聲,咳嗽病。3.(機關槍等的)...

cough drop

Do you know where i can buy some cough medicine 你知道在哪里可以買到止咳藥嗎?

The fall in incidence of whooping cough in the very young is directly related to widespread immunization with suitability . 幼兒百日咳發病率的下降,是與廣泛使用一種適宜的免疫法直接有關。

What a martyr she was! dirty and deaf and bent and coughing all the time, nothing but a burden to herself . 她受了多少活罪!又臟,又聾,又駝背,又是不停地咳嗽,她只是自己的一個累贅。

He coughed quietly, gingerly, and dabbed the pads slowly at this lips with a distaste that had become automatic . 他小心地輕輕咳嗽,厭煩起來便情不自禁地用簿子慢慢地拍拍咀唇。

An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough . 在黏糊糊的黃昏中,一縷莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升騰,使你咳嗽起來。

How bright and welcome the sun looked as he rose to the water surface coughing and spluttering ! 當他咳嗽著掙扎著露出水面時,太陽是那么明亮,那么逗人喜愛。

Now it happened that the first suitor was an old man with squint eyes and a cough . 也真不湊巧,第一個求婚的是個老頭兒,此人長著一雙斜眼不說,還老咳嗽。

Suspect complete airway obstruction if victim cannot speak, and has a weak cough . 如果患者不能說話,并帶有微弱咳嗽,就要考慮為完全的氣道阻塞。

Nim heard a discreet cough and turned his head to see josie standing at the doorway . 尼姆聽見有人低咳了一聲,轉過頭去,發現喬西站在門口。

Two days before he came into the emergency room he began to have chills, fever, and a cough . 他到急診室前兩天開始打寒戰,發燒和咳嗽。

A split-second later there was an asthmatic cough and the sound of a toilet flushing . 接著傳來一陣哮喘患者的咳嗽聲和廁所里的沖水聲。

He gave a sort of cough and gulp, and at first i could not hear quite clearly . 他發出一種咳嗽和吞咽的聲音,所以我最初聽不大清楚。

She was coughing now, as if the spirit of prophecy rose within her . 她現在又咳起來,似乎有一個未卜先知的精靈從她心中出現了。

The risk still seems far less than the hazards of whooping cough in the young child . 這種危險似乎遠低于幼兒患百日咳的危險。

Rudolph coughed miserably in the rain as he turned into vanderhoff street . 魯道夫冒雨拐進文德霍夫街的時候,咳得很厲害。

I do not like the sound of that cough -- ought not you to see a doctor ? 我覺得你的咳嗽聲有問題是不是該找醫生看看?

When the animals were roused, there was a paroxysmal cough with the back arched . 動物們驚起時,則有發作性咳嗽和拱背。

The fever had miraculously disappeared, and the coughing had stopped . 高燒奇跡般地消退了,咳嗽也停止了。

Mayor orden coughed . 奧頓市長咳了一下。