
cougar n.【動物;動物學】美洲獅。


In a territory wide anti - illicit cigarette operation codenamed cougar 25 which was mounted for the past five days ( from may 23 to 27 ) , customs officers of the revenue and general investigation bureau seized about 1 . 34 million sticks of illicit cigarettes worth $ 2 . 01 million with the duty potential of about $ 1 . 08 million 海海關稅收及一般調查科人員一連五日(五月二十三日至二十七日)進行一項名為獵豹25的全港大型反私煙行動,檢獲約134萬支未完稅香煙,價值約201萬元,應課稅值約108萬元。

For example , you may want to search for teams named “ cougars “ within the college basketball section of the directory only , instead of across the entire web 例如,你可以想要尋找因為隊們僅僅在目錄的學院籃球節以內說出“美洲獅” ,而不是越過全部網。

Rarely do grizzly bears or cougars attack full - grown elk , although they eat calves or feed on the winter - killed carcasses 北美灰熊與美洲獅雖然會以幼鹿或凍死的尸體果腹,但?們很少攻擊成熟的麋鹿。

I can t even see any other houses from my home . but i can see deer , bears , cougars and bald eagles 我無法從我家看到任何其他的房子,但我可以看到鹿、熊、美洲獅及禿鷹。

A : i can ' t believe it ! i thought the cougars were going to win for sure 我真不能相信。我開始可是認為美洲豹肯定贏的。

Gordon pibb , alone , facing five cougars . it ' s all over but the crying 戈登一個人對五頭飛豹現在看起來只有哭的力氣了

I can ' t believe it ! i thought the cougars were going to win for sure 我真不能相信。我開始可是認為美洲豹肯定贏的。

That ' s it , you ' re a cougar 就這樣,你是頭小獅子

Let ' s go , cougars , let ' s go 咱們上,美洲獅,上!

That man was on the prod and as dangerous as a cornered cougar 那人大發雷霆,危險得如同一頭被困的美洲豹。

Wow , that ' s a good - looking cougar 哇噢,這是頭迷人的獅子

Claw marks , from a big cat , most likely a cougar 留下的爪印,源自大型貓科動物,很可能是一只美洲獅。

The poughkeepsie state flying cougars are all over average joe ' s today 半決賽,喬大叔隊對飛豹隊

And the bayhill cougars take the lead with nine seconds left 灣丘美洲獅隊在只剩九秒時領先

Cougars can kill animals eight times their size 美洲獅可以殺死八倍于自身體積的動物。

The basket counts , and the cougars have tied the game 進球有效,美洲獅隊追平了比分

Before long, the picture of the cougar perched on top of the sign became almost as widely known as ford's oval and chrysler's pentastar . 沒有多久,蹲在標志牌上的美洲豹的形象廣為傳播,就象福特車的橢圓形和克萊斯勒的五星標志一樣。

The mercury cougar was a luxury sports car designed to appeal to the mustang driver who was ready for something a little pousher . 墨丘利系列的美洲豹型車是一種豪華的跑車,設計的目的在于吸引駕駛野馬車而想購買漂亮一點的汽車的人。

It was a request i couldn't honor, but we did use the name cougar a few years later for a fine new car in the lincoln-mercury division . 這是我當時無法答應的一項請求,但幾年之后我們的確把林肯-墨丘利分廠的一部好車命名為美洲豹。