
couchant adj.【徽章】昂首蹲著的(獸),昂首伏臥狀的。


Yet again , once you had got right down and into the twisted and crooked heart of the town , behind the church , you were in the world of two centuries ago , in the crooked streets where the chatterley arms stood , and the old pharmacy , streets which used to lead out to the wild open world of the castles and stately couchant houses 然而當你沿著這條路下去,到了那曲折撤摟的市鎮中心時,在那教堂的后面,你便進到了一個兩世紀以前的世界上了。 “查太萊”旅舍和那老藥房,便在這彎曲的街上。這街從前是通到這些富堡和權貴者們的游樂別所在的曠野外去的大道。

“ on the scutcheon we ll have a bend or in the dexter base , a saltire murrey in the fess , with a dog , couchant , for common charge , and under his foot a chain embattled , for slavery , with a chevron vert in a chief engrailed , and three invected lines on a field azure , with the nombril points rampant on a dancette indented ; crest , a runaway nigger , sable , with his bundle over his shoulder on a bar sinister ; and a couple of gules for supporters , which is you and me ; motto , maggiore fretta , minore otto 后來他說,他已想出了好多圖樣,不知道挑中哪一個,不過其中有一個他可能選中,他說: “在這盾形紋章的右側下方,畫一道金黃斜帶,在紫色中帶之上,刻一個斜形十字,再加上一條揚著腦袋蹲著的小狗,當做通常的標記。狗的腳下是一條城垛形的鏈子代表奴役。在盾的上部成波紋的圖案中是一個綠色山形符號。

“ i am well contented , ” answered he of the couchant leopard ; “ but what security dost thou offer that thou wilt observe the truce “我也滿意了, ”臥豹騎士回答, “不過你拿什么保證你會遵守停戰? ”

The lions couchant on the pillars as he passed out through the gate ; toothless terrors . still i will help him in his fight 他邁出大門的時候,一對獅子蹲在門柱上端沒了牙卻還在那里耍威風。