
couch n.1.〔詩〕床,臥榻。2.躺椅,長沙發椅〔背部比沙發低...

couch grass

The refusal was couched in friendly language 他用友善的語言表達了拒絕之意。

And if you don ' t let me sleep on the couch 如果你還是不同意我睡在睡椅上的話

Because i couldn ' t sleep with you on the couch 因為我不能與你一起睡在睡椅上

Oh , no . that was your . i think it ' s your couch 哦不,那是你的我想是你的躺椅

Think i should sleep downstairs , on the couch 你認為我應該去樓下睡嗎?在沙發上

He couched his request in very polite terms 他以非常禮貌的言詞表達了自己的要求。

Dude , you didn ' t do the couch pose right 老大,你的“沙發造型”沒有做標準!

We must use time as a tool not as a couch 我們應該把時間當作工具而不是沙發。

Back in a second . who ' s your couch mechanic 馬上回來。誰是你們的座椅機械師

D avrigny and villefort laid him on a couch 阿夫里尼和維爾福扶他躺到一張睡榻上。

He slumped onto the couch ; my spirits sank 他重重地落在椅子上;我的精神消沉了。

I couched criticism on him in tactful language 我用得體的語言向他提出了批評。

Or over there , if you prefer . or the couch 或者那邊,如果你高興的話,還有沙發

He can ' t even make it from one couch to the next 他連挪到另一張長椅上都做不到

I ' m on the couch with randa mckinney . clicks tongue 我和蘭達瑪可尼一起坐在床上

And our fiinal destiny will be to lift couches 而我們最終的命運就是抬抬沙發

Sir edward quiller couch , the president ofthe bank , 愛德華?奎勒先生銀行的總裁

His refusal was couched in very polite words 他用非常委婉的言語傳達拒絕之意。

Walter , the astronaut guy is wrecking dad ' s couch 那家伙要把爹地的沙發給毀了. .