
cottony adj.1.棉花狀的;柔軟的。2.有絨毛的。3.棉質的,...


For her dark - blue eyes were flashing , her colour was hot in her cheeks , she looked full of a rebellious passion far from the dejection of hopelessness . she noticed , ill the tussocky places of the grass , cottony young cowslips standing up still bleared in their down . and she wondered with rage , why it was she felt clifford was so wrong , yet she couldn t say it to him , she could not say exactly where he was wrong 她的深的眼睛發著亮,兩頰紅粉粉的發燒,她充滿著反叛的熱情,全沒有失望著的頹喪樣兒,她注意到濃密的草叢中,雜著一些新出的蓮馨花,還裹著一層毛茸,她自己憤橫地奇怪著,為什么她既然覺得克利福不對,卻又不能告訴他,不能明白地說出他在哪里不對。

Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern north america having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads ; valuable source of nectar 北美東部已引入的歐亞多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的葉子和麝香味的深紅色的頭狀花序;水果原汁。

You ' re blowing us off for cottony cotton balls 你就這樣被那個女人騙了,想把我們炒掉?

Fp - epe foaming pearl cottony film packing film quipment Fp - epe發泡珍珠棉包裝膜設備