
cotton n.科頓〔姓氏〕。

cotton belt

We'd cottoned on to the fact that all the telephones in ramat were being tapped . 我們一致認為拉馬特所有的電話全都有人竊聽。

Farm demonstration work in the south helped to fight the cotton boll weevil . 南部農場示范工作大大幫助了對棉花象鼻蟲的防治。

Serr and forde used 9 x 15cm bags of tightly woven white cotton gabardine. 塞爾和福德應用了9X15厘米的密績白色棉華達呢袋。

However, irrigation has extended both wheat and cotton farming further west . 但是,灌溉使小麥和棉花的種植進一步向西推移。

In the case of cotton processing, opening is necessary preliminary to cleaning . 在紡棉的情況下,開棉是除雜前必須的。

The original purpose of mercerization was to improve the luster of cotton fibers . 絲光的本來目的是改善棉絲維的光澤。

It seemed natural to cotton mather to refer thus to john winthrop . 科頓馬瑟以這樣的話稱道溫思羅普,似乎是合理的。

All through the mill they got this cotton dust and lint that fills up the air . 他們讓廠房里的棉塵,棉絮到處亂飛。

Mercerization enhances dyeability and luster of cotton materials . 絲光處理擴大棉纖維的染色能力,增加纖維的光澤。

He took his revolver and began to shoot at the pile of cotton bales . 他拔出左輪手槍,開始朝那堆棉花包射擊。

This pad consists of one thickness of cotton wool and two thicknesses of felt . 這個墊子有一層棉花兩層呢氈。

Differences between natural and dewaxed cotton are observed . 對原棉和去除蠟質的棉纖維間的差異進行了觀察。

The cotton receipts reached five hundred thousand boles last year . 這里去年的棉花收購量達到五十萬包之多。

Milo knows the black market. there is no demand for cotton . 邁洛知道黑市上的情況。目前,棉花沒有銷路。

This year 's cotton production exceeds last year 's by a big margin . 今年的棉花產量大大超過了去年。

My mother brought a bolt of red cotton to make a dress for me . 媽媽帶來一匹紅棉布給我做衣服。

Cotton trade looks strong . 棉花貿易看漲。

The friction of cotton increases with increasing regain . 棉纖維的摩擦力隨回潮率的增加而增加。

Cotton is spun into thread . 把棉花紡成線。