
cotter n.住屋狹小的人,貧農;〔蘇格蘭語〕農場雇工。


Since ihe pioneering work of onsager , flory , and maier and saupe , many theoretical physicists have devoted themselves to the work on improving and perfecting molecular statistical theory on the basis of a large of experimental results , such as chandrasekhar , humphries , luckhurst , gelbart , baron , cotter 自onsager , flory , maier和saupe先后提出和發展了液晶分子統計理論以來,在大量的實驗結果的基礎上,許多理論物理學家致力于改進、完善液晶分子理論的工作,如chandrasekhar 、 humphries 、 luckhurst 、 gelbart 、 baron 、 cotter等。

A series of tests on the deformation behaviors of giant magnetostrictive tool rod were done , and the relation curve between the radios of boring cotter and the coil currents was obtained , which validated the controllability and stability of the radios of boring cutter 在此基礎上,進行了超磁致伸縮刀桿變形性能試驗,獲得了鏜刀切削半徑增量與線圈控制電流之間的關系曲線,驗證了超磁致伸縮刀桿的可控性和穩定性。

They need to be reassured that the right thing is being done for them , “ said study co - author dennis cotter of the medical technology and practice patterns institute , a nonprofit research group in bethesda , md 他們需要被保證在他們身上所采用的醫療措施是正確的, ”研究的共同作者? ?醫療技術和執業模式機構的丹尼斯科特說道,該機構位于麻里州百色達,是一個非營利性研究組織。

Cotter , james f . and anlin chen ( 1997 ) , heads i win , tails you lose : the profitability of underwriting initial public offerings , presented at 1997 financial management association annual meeting , honolulu , hawaii , usa 陳安琳、李文智( 1998 ) ,非營利組織基金管理績效之研究,非營利組織之經營管理與社會角色學術研討會。

Along with the extensive application of carbide cotters , the study of carbide gear shaper cotters has been subjected to more and more attention in gear manufacturing industry 摘要隨著硬質合金刀具的廣泛應用,硬質合金插齒刀的研究越來越受到齒輪制造業的重視。

Cotter spoon outline & the transparent window is all a bullet - proof glass material , bear heat and bear high pressure , tenacity strong , don ' t fragmented 鎖匙外框&透明視窗均為防彈玻璃材質,耐高溫、耐高壓、韌性強、不碎裂。

Robert jordan held the gray - painted grenade in his hand , trying the bend of the cotter pin with his thumbnail 羅伯特?喬丹握著一顆漆成灰色的手榴彈,用大拇指甲試試開尾銷是不是結實。

Finnerty ' s attorney , bill cotter , said , “ we ' re surprised that anybody got indicted , quite frankly . 芬那提的律師比爾?柯特說, “十分坦白地說,我們對任何被控的人都感到驚訝。 ”

Cotter pins sets 開口梢組

Brass cotter pin 銅襯扁銷

Cotter mill cutter 鍵槽銑刀

Cotter taper file 加工鍵槽用尖頭銼

Bolt with cotter pin 帶開口銷的螺栓

Cotter pins , metric series 米制系列開尾銷

Cotter pin hole dimensions 開尾銷孔的尺寸

Bright mild steel cotter pin 光亮軟鋼開尾銷

Railway rolling stock - split cotters 鐵路車輛.開尾銷

Specification for corrosion - resisting steel split cotter pins for aircraft 飛行器用耐腐蝕鋼開尾銷規范

Bolt , hexagonal head , with cotter pin hole , current use . iso thread 帶開尾銷孔常用六角頭螺栓. iso螺紋