
cottager n.住鄉下房子的人,〔英國〕農場雇工;〔美國〕(避暑地等...


Like all the cottagers in blackmoor vale , tess was steeped in fancies and prefigurative superstitions ; she thought this an ill omen - the first she had noticed that day . the van travelled only so far as shaston , and there were several miles of pedestrian descent from that mountain town into the vale to marlott 像布萊克莫爾谷所有的村民一樣,苔絲的頭腦里充滿了無稽的幻想,盡是相信預兆的迷信她心里想,被玫瑰花刺扎了,這不是一個好兆頭這是那天她注意到的第一個預兆。

It was said afterwards that a cottager of wellbridge , who went out late that night for a doctor , met two lovers in the pastures , walking very slowly , without converse , one behind the other , as in a funeral procession , and the glimpse that he obtained of their faces seemed to denote that they were anxious and sad 后來據說井橋有個農戶,那天深夜出門去請醫生,在草地上碰見了一對情人,一前一后地慢慢地走著,不說一句話,就像送葬似的,他瞧了一眼他們的臉色,感覺到他們既憂愁,又傷心。

In front of 75 , 511 fans , united raced into a 4 - 0 lead in the first 20 minutes thanks to strikes from louis saha , wayne rooney , cristiano ronaldo and an own goal from cottagers ' defender ian pearce 在75511名球迷的觀戰中,曼聯在前20分鐘取得了4 : 0的領先,來自于薩哈、魯尼、 c羅納爾多的進球和富勒姆后衛皮爾斯的烏龍。

According to coleman , united “ steamrollered “ the cottagers in sunday ' s 5 - 1 win , instigated by a whirlwind start to the match that saw sir alex ferguson ' s side go 4 - 0 up in the opening 19 minutes 據科爾曼說,曼聯“勢不可擋”地以5 : 1擊敗富勒姆,而且在19分鐘時已經取得了4 : 0的領先。

Cottagers who were not directly employed on the land were looked upon with disfavour , and the banishment of some starved the trade of others , who were thus obliged to follow 那些不是被直接雇來干活的住戶,都不大受到歡迎,有些人被趕走以后,留下來的人生意受到影響,也只好跟著走了。

She is not what in common parlance is called a lady , said angel , unflinchingly , for she is a cottager s daughter , as i am proud to say “按照普通的說法,她是不能被稱為小姐的, ”安琪爾急忙說,一點兒也不畏懼。 “因為我可以驕傲地說,她是一個鄉下小戶人家的女兒。

After the 5 - 1 demolition of fulham on sunday , cottagers boss chris coleman claimed that , on such form , united could take the title from chelsea ' s grasp 在周日以5 : 1大勝富勒姆后,富勒姆主教練科爾曼聲稱,以這種狀態,曼聯比切爾西更有機會奪得冠軍。

The pair were sent off in united ' s friendly win over porto last week and were widely tipped to miss the cottagers ' visit on august 20 這二人是在上周戰勝波爾圖的友誼賽中被雙雙罰下的,因此大部分媒體都認為兩人將缺席8月20日對陣富勒姆的主場揭幕戰。

Fulham ' s victory was their first over bitter west london rivals chelsea for 27 years and a handful of jubilant cottagers swept onto the pitch to celebrate 富咸球迷為慶祝27年黎首次打敗同樣來自西倫敦既宿敵車路士?紛紛系球證吹雞后落場歡呼。

Her limited marketing was soon completed ; and then as usual she began to look about for some of the trantridge cottagers 她要買的東西不多,很快就買完了然后她就像往常一樣,開始去尋找從特蘭里奇來的幾個村民。

He remembered that it would be the neighbouring cottager s wife , who was to minister to their wants while they remained here 他想起來了,那大概是附近那家農戶的妻子來了,他們在這兒住的期間,由她來照應。

It is a village school : your scholars will be only poor girls - cottagers children - at the best , farmers daughters “這是一所鄉村學校。你的學生都只是窮苦女孩茅屋里的孩子至多是農夫的女兒。

During the interval of the cottager s going and coming , she had said to her husband - 就在那個農戶從他們身邊走過去和回轉來的中間,她曾經對她的丈夫說

There are several families among the cottagers of this county of almost equal lustre 在本郡居住的農戶里,有差不多同樣光榮歷史的還有好幾家。

Though he was almost a stranger here now passing cottagers talked to him over the garden hedge . 雖然現在這個村子里沒有什么人認識他了,但是過路的人,卻有的隔著園籬和他說話。