
cotswold n.(英國)柯茨窩爾山;柯次窩爾羊。 the Cotsw...


The house s allure is three - fold : first , its beauty and simple but elegant proportions ; second , it is large enough to confer status but , with just eight principal bedrooms and 36 acres of gardens and grounds , is still considered manageable ; third , its location in the heart of the cotswolds is extremely desirable 考古學家在修復后的花園的地表下發現了一些430年前的花園原貌痕跡,其中包括構成一座4英尺約合1 . 3米高的中心噴泉的碎石一座涼亭的地基殘留部分以及在花園施工初期用于測量方位的土層等。

As the driving force behind downtown revitalization , mayor brown has been involved in such major downtown projects as the opening of bayou place and sesquicentennial park ; the planned expansion of george r . brown convention center ; and the construction of enron field , the hobby center for the performing arts , the convention center hotel , and the cotswold project , a plan to improve the streetscape in the northern portion of downtown 在中國,由于他的超人才華和勤奮,雕塑作品開始被國家收藏。赴美后,他更加展現藝術才華,作品遍布東西海岸。在休士頓,他是公認的最優秀的雕塑家,無論在休士頓大學校園內市中心會議大廳公園,還是著名的醫學中心大樓,都聳立著他的作品。

In the eastern part of the cotswolds lies oxford . this historical city was founded in 912 . it is home to the university of oxford , the oldest university in the english - speaking world 在科茨沃爾德的東部座落著牛津城。這座歷史名城建于公元912年。它是牛津大學的所在地,牛津大學是英語世界最古老的大學。

But the cotswolds isn ' t just known for sleepy villages and charming countryside . the region also boasts several famous cities that are rich in beauty and history 但是科茨沃爾德不只是因擁有安靜的村莊和迷人的郊外而為人所知。該地區也以擁有一些著名的城市而自豪,它們景色優美而且歷史悠久。

No visit to england is really complete without enjoying the cotswolds . once you ' ve been there , you will truly have experienced the charm of england 沒有欣賞科茨沃爾德就沒有真正的游覽英格蘭。一旦你到了那兒,你才會真正的感受英倫魅力風情。

Situated on the edge of the cotswolds escarpment , above the vale of berkeley and the river severn , it is a picturesque village 位于科茨沃爾德丘陵地帶的邊緣,在伯克利谷和塞文河的上游,它是一個風格獨特的村莊。

Tourism also makes up an important part of the cotswolds ' economy 旅游業也是科茨沃爾德地區的一個重要的經濟來源。

The thames rises in the cotswold hills 泰晤士河發源於科茨沃爾德丘陵