
cotonou n.科托努〔達荷美港市〕。


However , the background of this humanitarian and producer showed in the past performances that in 1991 mt . pinatubo volcanic eruption ; 1993 southern california fires ; the oklahoma city bombing ; the 1994 northridge earthquake , including numerous charities and causes like the american cancer society , the american foundation for aids research , the international red cross , the salvation army , department of veteran affairs , health education alternative liaison heal the cotonou infant s in terms of cash donation and manpower in implementing its relief capabilities 一位叁與幕后工作的朋友為我們提供了一份令人刮目相看的表演名單,然而最引人注目的則是他們在歷年的演出節目中所提供賑災事跡的背景資料:一九九一年比納杜波火山爆發一九九三年南加州大火奧克拉荷馬市政大樓爆炸慘劇一九九四年加州北嶺地震等賑災工作,除了提供金錢資助之外,他們也提供人力救援。

For example , in benin a country bordering nigeria and togo , the cotonou center has been overwhelmed by the tremendous success of its radio broadcasts , which have attracted so many new truth - seekers that the centers main building will soon be too small to accommodate everyone for group meditation even though it can easily hold over a hundred people 近年來,西非各地的小中心迅速蓬勃發展。譬如貝南位于奈及利亞和多哥兩國之間的科都努cotonou小中心,透過電臺傳播福音,成效斐然。大批真理追尋者涌至小中心,使得原本可以輕松容納一百多人的小中心,即將面臨場地不敷使用的問題。

On march 13 , 2004 , cotonou , a beautiful , sunny resort city blessed with sparkling beaches , became even brighter when the benin center hosted a video conference featuring the teachings of supreme master ching hai in a vegetarian restaurant owned by a fellow practitioner 科都努是個陽光璀璨海灘亮麗的度假勝地, 2004年3月13日,當貝南的同修在科都努一家同修經營的素食餐廳公開舉辦介紹清海無上師教理的錄影帶講座時,此地更顯得明亮耀眼。

Last december , they also formally established the supreme master ching hai international association in their country , whereupon they began to broadcast master s teachings on the radio each day to convey the message of the quan yin method to their compatriots 貝南訊西非貝南同修已在首都科都努cotonou成立了共修中心及經書流通處,而且也于去年十二月正式成立清海無上師世界會。

There happened to be a mini bus leaving for cotonou , so they got on , but the bus driver kept everyone waiting while arguing with a colleague . eventually , the passengers lost their patience and got off the bus 但巴士司機一直跟他的同事爭吵,遲遲不開車,直到車上所有的旅客都失去耐心,下車準備轉搭別的車輛。

With only two days to prepare , the initiates broadcast news of the event on a local radio station and quickly distributed fliers to cotonou residents 雖然只有兩天的籌備時間,同修仍透過當地電臺廣播及散發傳單的方式宣傳講座的消息,使得這場講座依然十分圓滿成功。

The cotonou center is open monday through saturday for fellow initiates and visitors interested in watching master s videotapes , or reading her books and news magazines 小中心從周一到周六都開放給同修或來賓前來觀看師父錄影帶經書或雜志。

The cotonou sports complex benin 科托努綜合體育設施貝寧