
cotillion 短語和例子cotill(i)onn.1.一種不斷更換舞伴...


When natasha was chosen again , and she got up with a smile and was dancing , prince andrey particularly admired her shy grace . in the middle of the cotillion , natasha went back to her place , breathless at the end of a figure 當人家挑選娜塔莎,她面帶微笑站起來,在大廳中跳舞的時候,安德烈公爵特別欣賞她那羞怯而優雅的姿態。

At the end of the cotillion , the old count in his blue frock coat went up to the young people who had been dancing 科季里昂舞跳完之后,老伯爵穿著藍色燕尾服走到跳舞的人跟前。

In one of the most enjoyable cotillions before supper , prince andrey danced again with natasha 晚餐前,安德烈公爵又帶著娜塔莎同跳那歡快的科季里昂舞。

I got punched out at my daughter ' s cotillion , 我在我女兒的沙龍舞會上被打

You remember me ? from the hamptons john birch cotillion 還記得我嗎?在漢普敦別墅