
coterminous adj.= conterminous.


Notwithstanding the aforesaid , any serving committee member who was the parent or the legal guardian of a primary six student then enrolled in the school at the time he was elected , his membership shall coterminous with his term of office of committee membership which shall be extended to the closing of the next annual general meeting 不受上文所限,任何在任之委員,如他被選出時,他的孩子正就讀本校小學六年級,他的會籍則與其委員任期同期,延續至下次周年會員大會閉會為止。

Slices of hg _ ( 1 - x ) mn _ ( x ) te crystals were annealed under low temperature in hg atmosphere to improve their electronic properties . the electronic properties of annealed slices and coterminous non - annealed slices were evaluated by hall measurement 為改善晶體的電學性質,本文通過優化退火工藝,對hg _ ( 1 - x ) mn _ xte晶片進行了低溫hg氣氛下的退火。

Asia minor ( a peninsula of western asia between the black sea and the mediterranean sea . it is generally coterminous with asian turkey and is usually considered synonymous with anatolia 小亞細亞:黑海與地中海之間亞洲西部的一個半島,總體上與亞洲的土耳其范圍相當,通常認為與安納托利亞同義

For marx, social class was determined by and coterminous with, economic class . 馬克思認為社會階級取決于經濟階級,并與經濟階級具有緊密聯系。