
coterie n.同人俱樂部;小集團,小圈子。


There is a type of person who has no enthusiasm for the people ' s cause and looks coldly from the side - lines at the struggles and victories of the proletariat and its vanguard ; what he is interested in , and will never weary of eulogizing , is himself , plus perhaps a few figures in his small coterie 也有這樣的一種人,他們對于人民的事業并無熱情,對于無產階級及其先鋒隊的戰斗和勝利,抱著冷眼旁觀的態度,他們所感到興趣而要不疲倦地歌頌的只有他自己,或者加上他所經營的小集團里的幾個角色。

The friend of his childhood , a man of the same set , of the same coterie , his comrade in the corps of pages , serpuhovskoy , who had left school with him and had been his rival in class , in gymnastics , in their scrapes and their dreams of glory , had come back a few days before from central asia , where he had gained two steps up in rank , and an order rarely bestowed upon generals so young 他幼年時代的朋友,一個屬于同一社會圈子的人,他的貴胄軍官學校的同學,和他一同畢業,在學科上、在體育上、在惡作劇和功名的夢想上都是他的競爭者的謝爾普霍夫斯科伊,不多幾天以前從中亞細亞回來了,他在那里連升了兩級,獲得了一枚不輕易授與像他這樣年輕的將軍的勛章。

In his editorial ideal of “ coterie magazine “ , hu feng showed his attempt to promote the modernization of chinese peop1e ' s idea and the macro - environment of the literary arena , which enabled the way of cultural operation of hu feng bloc to be filled with certain elements of “ public sphere “ 認為,在“同人雜志”的編輯理想中,胡風寄寓了推進國人思想和文壇大環境現代化的熱切企望,這使得“胡風集團”的文化運作方式呈現出某些“公共領域”的因素。

A source from the coterie of agents who deal with the player ' s contractual and commercial interests revealed that a ? 30m offer had been prepared by chelsea during last month ' s transfer window , though barcelona ' s director of football , txiki beguiristain , insisted it was never formally conveyed 早在今年1月冬季球員轉會期內,切爾西就已經為引進這名非洲球員準備好了3000萬英鎊,但巴薩方面表示當時并沒有收到切爾西方面轉來的正式請求。

The aim is to have the coterie abandon the unilateralist in teaching and establish a concept of integration in chinese language teaching . at the same time , we devote ourselves into the practice of integral teaching and help students develop the ability of language 旨在使廣大同仁摒棄以往教學的片面性,牢固樹立語文教學的整體觀,積極投身到整體教學實踐中,更好地發揮語文教學的整體功能,以促進學生語文素養的整體提高。

Some of these greats , still hugely influential today , belong to “ a small coterie of long departed theorists and practitioners who invented the rules and conventions of ‘ modern management back in the early years of the 20th century ” 在這些偉人中,有一些今天仍具有極大的影響力,他們“是一小群過世已久的理論家和實踐者,早在20世紀的最初幾年就發明了‘現代管理的規則和慣例” 。

The practical difficulties that may arise in certain societies ( for instance , when there are competing coteries of experts , or when specialization has become so complicates that the layman gets confused ) need not concern us at the moment 在特定的社會發生的實際困難在此時并不會影響到我們,例如涉及小集團的專家競爭或是專業化變得過于復雜,使門外漢感到困惑。

Indeed , the failings of mr bush ' s coterie are oddly reassuring for some conservatives : once he has gone , they can regroup , as they did after his father was ousted in 1992 確實,對某些保守主義分子而言,布什先生圈內人士的敗績出奇地令人安心:一旦他卸下大任,他們便能重新部署,猶如在1992年其父下野后的作為一樣。

This thesis tries to develop and perfect the theory and practice of heuristic teaching , hoping to give some help to the coterie in the chinese language teaching 本文試圖進一步發展和完善啟發式教學理論與實踐,并希望對語文教學界的同仁提供一定的幫助。

The government should listen rather less to the coterie of lobbyists and advisers that make up the inner circle of those close to the prime minister and his ministers 政府應該少聽一小群院外活動家和顧問們,他們是離首相和他的部長們很近的圈內人士。

We are not the best but we can do better ! welcome the coterie of medical device field to our company . waiting for the cheerful cooperation with you cordially 我們不是最好的,但我們能做的最好!歡迎醫療器械同行來我們公司,期待和您真誠的合作。

Over the years he has gathered around him a coterie of powerful businessman . he only deals with billionaires , the others don ' t get a foot in the door . 多年來他身邊聚集了一小搓有權勢的商人。他只和億萬富翁打交道,其他人門沒都沒有。

Hillwood soho in tsim sha tsui is a hangout favoured by locals with a fun collection of bars and a coterie of restaurants featuring asian cuisine 這里是本地人的美食熱點,聚集了不少西式餐館亞洲風味餐廳及別致酒吧。

Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young , aristocratic patrons 但卻充滿寓意,迷惑了他幾乎所有的年輕的貴族資助者。

This brings us to another , equally important possibility of conflict - that between rival coteries of experts 這引出了同樣重要的沖突可能介于專家的敵對派系之間。

Hong kong ' s chief executive is chosen by a coterie of business leaders heavily influenced by beijing 香港特首是由深受北京影響的一群商業大佬選出來的。

“ a coterie of wall street bankers and their friends ” ( robert b . reich ) “華爾街銀行家們和他們朋友的小圈子” (羅伯特? b ?雷奇) 。

Mary and her coterie gave a party to which we were not invited 瑪利和她的圈內朋友舉行派對,我們沒被邀請。

The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors 這個名字只有收藏家的小圈子才知道。