
coteau n.〔法語〕 (pl. -teaux ) 〔美、加拿大〕...


The regulation showed : land use diversity and combination types of land use were increased from suburb to distant suburb plain and half coteau . the opposition trend was presented on the change of the concentration index of land use . as distant suburb coteau was controlled by the background of mountain , the land use diversity index was minimum and the concentration index was maximum 北京市土地利用格局的區域差異呈現如下規律:土地利用多樣性和土地利用組合類型數由近郊向遠郊平原、遠郊半山區依次遞增;土地利用的集中程度則剛好相反;遠郊山區由于受大環境背景山地控制,土地利用多樣性在各區中是最小的,而集中程度則是最大的。

Directed against the problem on confirming vertical bearing capacity of large diameter cast - in - place pile in the west of coteau area of yunnan province , the paper , analyses the influence degree of the variety of soil physics and mechanics property in area geology condition on bearing capacity of pile foundation , through 5 piles “ loading test ; the influence degree of construction technics on bearing capacity of pile foundation under the influence of every exterior factors ; the influence degree of grouting injection around the pile shaft on bearing capacity of pile foundation 本文針對滇西山區大直徑灌注樁豎向承載力確定存在的問題,進行了5根試樁的靜載荷試驗,分析了區域地質條件下土的物理、力學性質的變化對橋梁樁基承載力的影響程度;地下水對樁承載力的影響程度;各種外部因素影響下,樁的施工工藝對樁承載力的影響程度;通過在樁體周圍土中注漿對樁承載力的影響程度。

The paper also advise that the design of pile vertical bearing capacity in the west of coteau area of yunnan province taking advantage of the experience formula which adopt subentry safety factors , and come up with the value range of the parameters preliminarily 論文建議滇西山區溝谷地段樁基豎向承載力設計使用采用分項安全系數的經驗公式,并初步給出了各參數的取值范圍。

Hunan cuisine : including local cuisines of xiangjiang region , dongting lake and xiangxi coteau , hunan is known for its use of chili , pepper and shallot , and a pungent flavor 湘菜:包括湘江流域、洞庭湖區和湘西山區的菜肴,以善用紅辣椒、胡椒粉和香蔥以及辛辣而聞名。

But the west area is mainly coteau , in a highway there are many bridges , so the construction is very difficult , which results in the high expense 而西部地區多為山區,山高谷深,地勢險峻,建一條公路橋梁較多,而且施工難度大,造價高。