
cote n.(家畜、家禽的)檻,欄。


High quality cube - like mnse2 and sphere - like ( - mnse micro - crystals have been obtained in aqueous solution at low temperatures ( 100 ( c ~ 180 ( c ) . by using tellurite as reactant , uniform cote and nite nanocluster wires were successfully synthesized through a co - reduction process 用亞碲酸鹽代替亞硒酸鹽,上述方法被成功應用到金屬碲化物的動力學調控合成中,通過共還原反應機理,利用新生的元素co 、 ni與活性碲,于水溶液中合成了cote和nite的一維納米線。

Nice , the sophisticated queen of the rivera . after stroll along the promenade des anglais we then arrive in the glittering shores of the cote dazur to cannes , opulent resort of film festivals , millionaire yachtsmen , and bikinied beauties :美國尼斯u . s . a . nice本日由您居住的僑居地出發,搭乘豪華噴射客機由美國飛往尼斯,開始享受本公司為您所安排美好的法國之旅。

The case came to light on february 23 this year when a 26 - year - old woman made a report to the police that she received numerous unsolicited e - mails from a fraudster claiming to be domiciled in cote d ivoire , west africa since october 2004 案中二十六歲女受害人于今年二月二十三日向警方報案,表示自去年十月開始,收到多個聲稱發自西非科特迪瓦的電郵。

The team of icao experts is composed of dr finkelstein , a senior medical officer from argentina and ms diane cote , an expert in passenger ground handling operation 該專家組由阿根廷航空醫療專家drfinkelstein和熟悉旅客地勤運作的專家dianecote組成。

A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the cote - d ' or , a 30 - mile ( 48 - kilometer ) strip of land in bourgogne ( burgundy ) , france 一座城堡和教堂似乎為科多爾肥沃的土地戴上了一頂桂冠,這里是法國東部勃艮第省的一個長達30英里( 48公里)的條形土地。

Quarterly self assessment of plaques using dental disclosing solution or tablet ( e . g . butler gum red - cote ) ( verified by one parent or guardian ) 每季一次,使用牙菌膜顯示劑和和顯示片,自我評估是否有牙菌膜的存在(由一位家長或監護人證實) 。

With only hermitage for competition , cote - rotie represent the finest wine of rhone . it is usually rich , soft , complex , smooth ; and finesse will grow with age 谷烙滴代表隆河的上等酒,它豐厚,柔順,復雜,順滑;陳年后更佳,只有害美特思能與之較量。

A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the cote - d ' or , a 30 - mile ( 48 - kilometer ) strip of land in bourgogne ( burgundy ) , france 一座城堡和教堂就像皇冠一樣坐落在科多爾肥沃的土地上,這是法國勃艮第地區一段約30英里(合48公里)長的帶狀土地。

J : but wait , there ' s more . after a year in cote d ' ivoire they also lived together for three months in france 兩個人一起在法國住了三個月?你想想看,如果能和自己最好的朋友一起周游世界,那該多好啊!

But wait , there ' s more . after a year in cote d ' ivoire they also lived together for three months in france 兩個人一起在法國住了三個月?你想想看,如果能和自己最好的朋友一起周游世界,那該多好啊!

Storehouses also for the increase of corn , and wine , and oil ; and stalls for all manner of beasts , and cotes for flocks 代下32 : 28又建造倉房、收藏五谷、新酒、和油又為各類牲畜、蓋棚立圈。

Storehouses also for the increase of corn , and wine , and oil ; and stalls for all manner of beasts , and cotes for flocks 28又建造倉房,收藏五谷,新酒,和油,又為各類牲畜蓋棚立圈。

Climatological information for benin , cote d ivoire , guinea , mali , senegal , sierra leone and togo 塞內加爾、馬里、幾內亞、塞拉利昂、科特迪瓦、多哥及貝寧

Climatological information for benin , cote d ivoire , guinea , mali , senegal , sierra leone and togo 塞內加爾馬里幾內亞塞拉利昂科特迪瓦多哥及貝寧

Cote d ivoire consulate 剛果總領事館

The theater cote d ivoire 劇場科特迪瓦

France provence - cote d azur 法國布列坦尼

I ' d have served a cotes du rhone and drunk the white next 我會先上一瓶羅納山莊紅酒cotes du rhone ,然后再喝白酒。

The cote - d ' or produces some of france ' s most venerated wines 科多爾出產有一些全法最受崇敬的葡萄酒。