
cosy adj.(-sier; -siest)1.舒適的,舒服的...


So cosy , the major proportion of crodos , playing significant role in system construction should n ' t be ignored 而cosy是crodos一個主要部分,占有舉足輕重之地,非開發不可。

Relax in a cosy bar . jordan mtr exit d , turn left , walk along nathan road and turn left into hillwood road 乘地鐵至佐敦站,取道d出口,左轉,沿彌敦道前行不遠,即抵山林道。

A tiny shack , a minute home , a cosy home for the snail alone . “ to my singing both of us had tears flowing 領導說我知道,但你是中層干部“按摩一科的副科長“ ,是最好的人選。

Then there is china ' s expansion into africa , particularly its cosy relations with genocidal sudan 隨后即是中國向非洲的擴張,特別是中國同曾發生種族滅絕的蘇丹的密切關系。

Then there is china ' s expansion into africa , particularly its cosy relations with genocidal sudan 隨后即是中國向非洲的擴張,特別是同曾發生種族滅絕的蘇丹的密切關系。

America ' s small , local banks are unlikely to die out , but their life has become much less cosy 但美國的小銀行、本地銀行不會就此消亡,只是使他們的日子變得更加艱難。

It ' s durable and stays fluffy - so it keeps you feeling warm and cosy all night long 此羊毛被經久耐用,并且可以保持蓬松因此能夠使您在漫漫長夜保持溫暖舒適的感覺。

About 346 guestrooms , complete facilities , refined and cosy . the diverse grades meet different request of guest 設備全,典雅舒適,不同檔次客房,滿足不同客人的需求。

They sit in cosy huddles playing chinese games , smoking , and eexchanging the latest gossip 他們懶散地圍坐在一起下中國象棋,吸著煙,并相互傳播著最新的小道消息。

Newly renovated in the center of youngdong district pf gangnam area , dynasty hotel offers cosy atmosphere 位于明洞中心位置,最新設施、優雅別致的旅游賓館。

In a cosy setting , golden bauhinia is a perfect venue for social gatherings and business occasions 及在香港香格里拉酒店任職助理中廚。黃先生表示金紫荊

America ' s small , local banks are unlikely to die out , but their life has become much less cosy 美國小的地方銀行消失的可能性不大,但他們已風光不再。

Enjoy an evening in a cosy irish pub , with professional musicians and dancers 在一家舒適的愛爾蘭酒吧享受一個由專業音樂家和舞蹈家為你表演的晚上。

Milly s tubbing night . american soap i bought : elderflower . cosy smell of her bathwater 給米莉洗澡的那個晚上,我買了一塊美國香皂,接骨木花的。

This is a house after my own heart , small , cosy and yet dignified in appearance 這是一座小巧、舒適而外表又顯得堂皇的房子,完全符合我的心意。

Many visitors took the opportunity to have a friendly cosy chat with the observatory staff 不少參觀者和當值接待的人員親切交談,打成一片。

That is a house after my own heart , small , cosy and yet dignified in appearance 那真是我中意的一所房子,小巧玲瓏,暖和舒適,外觀又很有氣魄。

The soft felt surface makes it a pleasure for fingers to tip - a cosy keyboard 手指接觸到柔軟的毛布表面真的很舒服哦- -一個舒服的鍵盤。

317 cosy and elegantly decorated rooms and suites , most with splendid harbour view 擁有317間舒適客房及套房,大部分可遠眺維港景致。