
costumer n.〔美國〕1.服裝[戲裝]供應〔縫制,出售或出租〕商。...


But the traditional brick - stone residential structure system now could not fulfill the requirements of the market and the costumers and the theme of “ sustainable development “ , because of its high investment , high expense , heavy pollution , low productivity , poor function and low quality 而我國傳統的磚石住宅結構體系采用的是高投入、高消耗、高污染的落后增長方式與低工效、低功能、低質量的生產局面,已不能滿足市場、消費者的要求和建筑“可持續發展“的時代主題。

After analysis of the present growth environment of electronic commerce in chongqing , this paper proposes three problems that need to be resolved in their supervision , in addition to the three principles to its administration , namely regulation of orders , protection of rights and promotion of development , followed by four practical supervision measures suitable for the business administration institution of chongqing to put into operation in the present situation , which are format of contracts in electronic commerce , enforcement of the administration in network advertisement , establishment of costumer right protection network and investigation or punishment of unrighteous 本文在分析當前重慶市電子商務發展環境的基礎上,提出了重慶市工商局監管電子商務應解決的三個問題,并提出了“規范秩序、保障權益、促進發展“的監管三原則。在此基礎上,給出了重慶市工商局在當前環境下切實可行的四種具體監管措施,包括規范電子商務中的格式合同、加強對網絡廣告的管理、建立12315消費者維權網絡和查處電子商務中的不正當競爭行為。

The organizing committee of on demand china 2007 is dedicating to creating a top - level communication platform that enables all vendors and costumers in the chinese market to easily access the latest digital printing technology , products , solutions , as well as share experiences and knowledge 作為中國首個聚焦按需印刷技術的展會,它的舉辦將為中國的印刷從業者帶來了世界尖端的數碼按需印刷技術、產品以及解決方案,創造了一個獲取印藝新知的窗口,更為國內外廠商提供了一個交流經驗和技術的平臺。

With the rapid development of world economy and the tough change of market competition , enterprises require more and more fast and safe delivery of business documents and samples , in the meantime , costumers are seeking for shopping without leaving houses . above two aspects engender a new service means - express service , to meet the bloom demand of market , which is with the character of fast speed and door - door 隨著全球經濟的快速發展,市場競爭瞬息萬變,企業在商業活動中越來越追求商業文件、樣品及高精物品的快速、安全的到達;消費者則追求足不出產便能購買到所需的日常用品,市場的旺盛需求使傳統的貨物運輸服務產生了一種具有快速、門到門兩個特點的服務方式? ?快遞服務。

With the vast number of sites and the vast amount of information , how to attract viewers to the sites is the important questions in regard to the survival and development of the online businesses . the essay uses the research conducted by past scholars in regard to traditional service industry costumer satisfaction and provides a research in regard to problems faced by electronic businesses currently 因此,企業要先研究網絡環境下消費者的消費行為特征,了解影響其消費的因素,進而根據網絡營銷的特征,建立網絡消費者滿意度測評的指標體系,再依據顧客滿意度理論,改進企業的電子商務實績,促進自身良性發展。

Four critical problems ( law effects of electronic contract , electronic signature and certification , protection of intellectual property and costumers “ interests ) that influences the healthy development of electronic commerce are taken as the base , above which detailed discussions have been done on the differences between the developed western countries and us in handling problems in those four aspects , so as to point out the difficulties and problems that business administration institution confronts in their supervision on the electronic commerce 本文從影響電子商務健康發展的四個關鍵問題(電子合同的效力、電子簽名和電子認證、電子商務中的知識產權保護和消費者權益保護)出發,詳細論述了歐美發達國家和我國在這幾個方面的不同做法,指出了工商行政機關監管電子商務存在的難點及問題。

How to design the operating strategies focused on loan are very important to all commercial banks , especially to chinese commercial banks . this paper discuss the problem mentioned above and based on the theories of management strategies , operating theories of commercial banks and banking regulations , according to the relationship between return and risk , following the number of customer and risk level , give 4 operating strategies ? non price strategy , costumer cultivating strategy , network harvesting strategy and network cultivating strategy 本論文結合有關戰略管理理論、商業銀行的經營理論和國際銀行業有關管理規則,以提高收益和規避風險為出發點,按照單個客戶和客戶群的不同及客戶風險度的高低,分析總結國際大型銀行的戰略管理經驗,提出了相應的非價格戰略、企業培育戰略、網絡收獲戰略、網絡培育戰略。

Although chengdu telecom proposes to “ make the market the first priority , and to regard the costumers as the ? re of its service operations “ , its marketing practice cannot be well coordinated and conducted to satisfy the needs of costumers . the salespersons , market investigation department , advertising department , management department of telecommunication operations , construction department , and maintenance department are self - centered , vvhich cannot take integrate advantages of the company 盡管成都電信提出了“以市場為龍頭,以用戶為核心”的觀念,但市場營銷職能卻不能圍繞客戶的需求出發通力協調,公司的營銷人員、市場調研、廣告、電信業務管理、建設和維護部門都各自為政,不能體現電信公司的整體優勢。

China telecom , a dominant company in this market , is facing great challenges and shocks from both foreign and domestic businesses . it is urgent to answer the following questions : how to enhance its market competitiveness , how to maintain its existing market share , hovv to survive , develop , and grow in the intensified competition , how to keep the existing costumers and appeal to new ones , and how to improve its insight into the market and ability to respond to the market changes 山雨愈來風滿樓,素有中國電信運營企業“龍頭老大”之稱的中國電信集團公司,其市場霸主地位將面臨來自各運營商的極大挑戰和沖擊,如何增強企業的市場競爭力,鞏固原有的市場份額,在激烈的競爭中生存、發展和壯大

Each stop was held for two days . on the first day , we delivered information on power . electric managers from end users , real estate developers , decision makers of design institutes , panel builders and distributors were attracted by the programs on the residential building solutions given in the morning and industrial & commercial building solutions given in the afternoon . on the second day we presented control part , entertained oem costumers , engineers from design institutions and distributors 每站發布會都分兩天進行,第一天為輸配電專場,上午的民用住宅解決方案發布和下午的工業及商用建筑解決方案發布主要面向甲方的電氣主管、房地產商、設計院及盤廠的決策者;第二天的工控專場接待的則是oem客戶、設計院工程師。

Aiming to meet costumers increasing demand and relying on byd s unparalleled strength in both technology and capital and bringing chinese abundant manufacturing elements into full play , byd auto made an entire integration of the chains of the automotive industry . besides , based on the constant technology innovation , byd auto has absorbed and been absorbing many international advanced non - patent rights to reduce the cost tremendously and upgrade its quality significantly 比亞迪汽車以不斷滿足客戶的需求為導向,依托企業強大的技術和資金實力,充分發揮中國制造業要素資源優勢,全面整合汽車制造業的生產鏈同時以不斷的科技創新為手段,大量吸收國際汽車制造業先進的非專利技術,實現整車制造成本的大幅降低和品質的迅速提升。

Ports and depots / stations provide multifunctional logistics services , so logistics center pattern and voluntary chain patten should be their choice . transportation agencies have the advantage of wide and professional business network and good costumer relationship , therefore they can use virtual managing pattern or incomplete vertical integration pattern to develop the logistics services . multimodal transportation companies are the most competent ones , so conglomeration pattern and supply chain cooperation pattern should be the shortcut for them to get into the advanced developing stage 車船運輸企業的物流特征表現在貨物的位移上,其物流經營應遵循基于縱向一體化的物流配送模式或供應商/分銷商合作模式;港站企業由于其吸引式的多功能物流服務,物流中心模式或特許連鎖經營模式應是其發展的主要選擇;運輸代理企業的優勢則在于廣泛、專業的業務網絡和良好的客戶關系,因此虛擬經營或不完全縱向一體化模式是其首選;而綜合運輸企業是最具物流競爭力的一類運輸企業,走集團化或供應鏈合作的道路是其邁入物流發展高級階段的捷徑。

The meaning of brand has been opened out which is consisted of brand power value and costumers value . evaluation model has been advanced through analyzing models in and out . using the ahp , the weights of main parameters have been established 本文從企業和消費者兩個方面揭示企業晶牌價值的內涵,通過品牌價值的比較研究,認為企業品牌價值由品牌權力價值和消費者價值兩部分組成,并在借鑒國內外品牌評價方法的基礎上提出企業品牌評價模型,運用層次分析的方法確定模型中參數的權重,同時對參數的量化進行了研究。

The organizer , through a series of closely - related and well - organized activities of propagation and popularization , with bringing its role as a bridge into full play , will insure that the exhibition will become the most concern both at home and abroad and that it will bring you the best qualified costumers and offer you multiple deep - level services as well 組織單位將通過系列緊密有序的宣傳推廣活動,全力發揮在行業的橋梁作用,確保展會在國內外引起最大的關注,為您帶來最優質的客戶、更將向參展商提供眾多深層次的服務。

Then , on the basis of stp marketing principle and the pursuing of costumer ’ s benefit , combining with the enterprise ’ s conditions , assort and select the motorcycle market , and finally confirm the market orientation of the enterprise . at last , under the guidance of “ 4ps ” theory and the thoughts of differential marketing theory , this thesis raises out differential marketing methods in the aspects of production , price , channel and sales promotion for shineray motorcycle manufacturing company 同時結合企業自身條件以及與競爭對手的優劣勢對比,選擇目標市場,并最終確定企業的市場定位;最后,本文以“ 4ps ”理論為指導,以差異化營銷理論為思路,提出了鑫源公司在產品、價格、渠道和促銷等方面的差異化營銷策略。

Confronted with the furious competition in the market and the changes in the demand , the conception and the behavior of the costumers , it has become a new challenge of the baked food industry to adapt itself and guide the costumers in terms of the nutrition , the food safety and health and the individuation 激烈的市場競爭和消費者的消費需求、消費觀念、消費行為的變化,如何在營養、安全、健康與個性化等方面適應和引領消費者,正成為烘焙業面臨的新挑戰。

Combining the qualitatively and quantitative methods , the paper has deeply discussed how to construct the system of csi and how to apply the system of csi . in the same time , offering the way of implementing the strategy of costumer satisfaction 文章主要采用實證研究方法,結合定性研究和定量研究等研究手段,對建立jz空調公司顧客滿意指標體系以及如何應用該顧客滿意指標體系進行了較為深入的探討,從而在此基礎上為企業提供了實施顧客滿意戰略的詳細思路。

As the worldwide leader in power & control , schneider electric managements persisted with the concept of “ be more customer - centric “ , and we provide all costumers and partners with the best products , services and solutions that are appropriate to situation in their countries 作為全球輸配電、工控及自動化專家,施耐德電氣多年來一貫秉承著以客戶需求為導向的經營理念,為廣大用戶及合作伙伴提供令人滿意的產品服務以及適應國情的解決方案。

Our company would like to shake hands with new and old costumers from all circles , update equipment ceaselessly , develop and research new products , occupies more selling market by excellent product quality and introduces our products to the southeast asia and other countries in the world 本公司愿與各界新老用戶攜手合作,不斷更新設備,研制、開發新產品,以最優的產品質量占領更多的銷售市場,并將產品逐步推向東南亞地區及世界其他國家。