
costume n.1.服裝,裝束;衣服。2.女服;女裝。3.服裝式樣;...

costume ball

We wrap tonight , pack up the costumes and go 我們今晚就拍完然后就收拾戲裝上路了

Symbolic significance of stage costume of peking opera 淺述京劇服裝的象征意義

I wouldn ' t be caught in some ridiculous costume 我本不應該穿著這么可笑的衣服

Next time you wear a poli - bear costume , cheer up 下次你穿卡通服裝我們會注意的了

The kimono is part of the national costume of japan 和服是日本民族服裝的一部分。

Amazingly wonderful costume , three whole weeks 讓人嘆為觀止的衣服啊整整三個禮拜

She wore an antique gown to the costume party 她穿著一件過時的長袍參加化妝舞會。

And i feel some doubts about the color of his costume 對他衣服的顏色我也拿不準。

It ' s a costume party . people get pretty into it 是個化妝晚會,人們都會穿得很可愛

On political features of costume culture in tang dynasty 論唐代服飾文化的政治特征

Police uniform . spring - autumn and winter costume for woman 警服.女春秋常服冬常服

The hanfu is national costume of han people in china 漢服是我們漢族的民族服裝。

I can ' t believe jane wore that costume to work 我不敢相信小珍穿那種服裝來上班?

The girl in charge of costumes owed me a favor 管演員服裝的那個女孩欠我人情。

I wouldn ' t let anybody leave the location in costume 我不會讓任何人穿著戲裝離開

Police uniform . spring - autumn and winter costume for man 警服.男春秋常服冬常服

He has to put on a costume to become spider - man 他得穿上蜘蛛服才會變成蜘蛛俠

You would ' ve worn the costume of arlene plimpton 你原本可以成維愛琳?普林頓的,

The mummers are costumed and in different masks 表演者身穿戲裝,戴著各式面具。