
costliness n.高價,昂貴;奢華。


At the same time , the construction of urban railway can promote the increment and exploitation of land , and induce the rationalization of city arrangement . however , constructing urban railway is costliness , as for urban railway , costing 700 - 900 million yuan / km , while , 300 - 500 million yuan / km is cost in constructing light track 軌道交通運能大,速度快、舒適、準點、對環境污染小,軌道交通的建設能夠帶動沿線土地開發和增值,引導城市布局朝合理化方向發展。但是,建造城市快速軌道交通造價高昂,地鐵每公里造價高達7 9億元,輕軌造價也達到了每公里3 5億元。

These things were costliness and not used frequently . it was not economy to equip them for each poor family , so zone - trait cooperative ways of using farm instruments formed in rural areas to solve the shortage of farm instruments and labor 于是,各地農村約定俗成地形成了具有地域特色的農戶間調劑農具及役畜使用的民間習慣,如搭套、合伙購買、換工、借用等等,以此來解決農忙時農具及役畜的不足,同時也解決了農忙時勞動力的缺乏。

This design can resolve the question of costliness . embedded operating system is the core of embedded automobile navigation systems . it manages arm ’ s resource and is the base of application , so it will be discussed in detail in this artlcle 這樣的設計,解決了單獨的基于pc機的導航系統和基于wince的嵌入式導航系統成本高或攜帶不便的問題,系統性價比高,可彌補傳統導航定位系統的不足。

We should advocate the heuristic teaching methods , trying to carry it out in the practice , if we want to walk out the corner of lack , slowness , ineffectiveness and costliness in the language teaching and improve the teaching quality 語文教學要走出少、慢、差、費的困境,提高教育教學質量,就必須進一步提倡和推行啟發式教學。在中國,最早提出啟發式教學思想的是古代教育家孔子。

Social scientists have incorporated the costliness of information in their models but have not ( for the most part ) come to grips with the subjective mental constructs by which individuals process information and arrive at conclusions that shape their choices 社會科學家已經把信息成本放進了他們的模型,但是還沒有把握住個人處理信息和最終做出選擇的客觀的心智結構。

The traditional elements have had the more and the more big variety in the big tide of the international jewellery , being turned from the nobility and costliness to the civilian and personalization 摘要傳統元素在國際首飾大潮中發生了越來越大的變化,由貴族化、高檔化向平民化、個性化轉變。

But its research and clinic application has been badly restricted by these days “ oae test instrument , either ponderous or costliness 但是目前耳聲發射檢測產品大都功能單一、靈活性差、價格昂貴,嚴重地制約了對耳聲發射現象的研究和臨床應用的推廣。

The second variable in the costliness of the exchange posses is the size of the market , which determines whether personal or impersonal exchange occurs 交易費用所擁有的第二項變量是市場規模,這決定了所發生的是人格化交換還是非人格化交換。