
costello n.科斯特洛〔姓氏〕。


In the national budget announced on tuesday , peter costello , the treasurer , polished the model a little further ? he cut taxes for the fourth consecutive year and began a sweeping reform of superannuation to improve savings , while adding funding for national infrastructure and scientific research 在周二公布的國家預算中,澳大利亞財長彼得?科斯特洛進一步略微完善了這種模式? ?在增加國家基礎設施和科研經費的同時,宣布連續第4年減稅,并開始對養老金體制進行全面改革以增加儲蓄。

But the word of mr costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback teethed and feet first into the world , which the dint of the surgeon s pliers in his skull lent indeed a colour to , so as it put him in thought of that missing link of creation s chain desiderated by the late ingenious mr darwin 分娩時屬逆產,足先露,且駝背188 。外科醫用鉗子在彼頭蓋上留下了明顯痕跡。布盧姆遂聯想到,彼即已故富于獨創性之達爾文先生畢生探求不已之進化論中所談之過渡生物189也。

Oscar winner kevin kline the ice storm is “ perfection “ rolling stone as the elegant and deeply complex porter in a film that offers “ knockout performance “ gene shalit from natalie cole , elvis costello , sherryl crow , diana krall , alanis morissette and robbie williams , and “ melancholy , wi and stule to burn “ the philadelphia inquirer ! from paris to venice to broadway to hollywood , the lives of cole kline and linda ashley judd porter were never less than glamorous and wildly unconventional 奇云格連飾演的波特以舞臺劇觀眾的角度回顧自己的一生,透過一首首由當今樂壇巨星演繹膾炙人口的優雅旋律如let s do it let s fall in love及it s de - lovely等等,一幕幕精采片段,重現波特與妻子同志愛人錯綜復雜的關系。

Hereupon punch costello dinged with his fist upon the board and would sing a bawdy catch staboo stabella about a wench that was put in pod of a jolly swashbuckler in almany which he did now attack : the first three months she was not well , staboo , when here nurse quigley from the door angerly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it not meet as she remembered them being her mind was to have all orderly against lord andrew came for because she was jealous that not gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her guard 此時,潘趣科斯特洛砰然以拳擊桌,唱起淫狠小調斯塔布斯塔布拉,謂醉漢使阿爾馬尼58一少女有了身孕云,并徑自吆喝道:頭三個月身上不舒服,斯塔布。護士奎格利遂從門口怒吼曰: “不害臊嗎!

Friends and colleagues including jackson browne , bruce springsteen , bonnie raitt , elvis costello , and tom waits joined orbison at los angeles s coconut grove in order to collaborate with and pay tribute to this irreplaceable rock and roll talent . songs performed include many of the classic songs of romance that made him famous - from “ oh , pretty woman “ to the tragic ballad “ crying . “ shot in black and white , this performance looks as beautiful as it sounds , featuring at any one time a killer all - star band onstage , clearly loving every minute of playing with roy , who of course outshines them all 你千祈不要小看這套七十年代拍攝的紀錄片, dvd版本在99推出之后,一直成為影音展覽中廠家經常播放的熱門影碟,原因很簡單,它雖是黑白片,但卻拍得極具氣氛,將怨曲歌王roy orbison在一間會所的熱情演出如實紀錄下來,演出歌曲包括首本作“ oh , pretty women ”多數人用此曲示范和“ only the lonely ”等。

Lenehan and one from alba longa , one crotthers , and young stephen that had mien of a frere that was at head of the board and costello that men clepen punch costello all long of a mastery of him erewhile gested and of all them , reserved young stephen , he was the most drunken that demanded still of more mead and beside the meek sir leopold 斯蒂芬面龐酷似修士,坐于上座,另有不久前因表現出豪飲之勇而獲得“潘趣23科斯特洛”之雅號的科斯特洛座中除了青年斯蒂芬而外,彼乃最爛醉如泥者,越醉越討蜂蜜酒喝,再有即是謙和的利奧波德爵士。

Stap my vitals , said he , them was always the sentiments of honest frank costello which i was bred up most particular to honour thy father and thy mother that had the best hand to a rolypoly or a hasty pudding as you ever see what i always looks back on with a loving heart “謹以吾之生命發誓, ”彼曰, “誠實的弗蘭克科斯特洛自幼被教以格外孝敬父母186 。家母擅長做果醬布丁卷與麥片糊,吾一向對她懷有敬愛之心。 ”

“ as this financial year closes and the new one begins tomorrow , changes in family allowances and tax cuts will mean every australian will pay less income tax , and for families very significant benefits will be paid in addition to that , “ treasurer peter costello said yesterday 在年度預算中宣布的稅收減免政策將從今天起生效.政府計劃籍此政策使高,中,低收入者都能實際收益,而擺脫就此受到的批評

The australian government will raise no objections to news corp ltd ' s proposal to relocate its place of incorporation to the united states , treasurer peter costello said tuesday 澳大利亞政府并不反對本國媒體巨頭轉移至美國注冊和上市。澳大利亞財政部長peter costello周二稱,澳政府不反對本國媒體巨頭新聞集團

Mr macfarlane used his farewell appearance to the parliamentary economics committee to take a swipe at treasurer peter costello in the tax cuts debate 麥法萊恩先生在減免稅收的辯論會中,對著國會經濟委員會的委員們,戲用“永別“的神情,表示了對財長,彼得卡斯特羅的強烈不滿。

Prime minister john howard recently said “ it ' s part of the solution “ , and treasurer peter costello said it was the “ final step “ of measures to overcome shortages 總理約翰霍華德最近說道: “這能部分解決問題” ,財政部長彼得考斯特羅稱這是解決水源短缺的“最后一步”棋。

Since november 2004 mr . costello has worked in china as director , china programs for tafe global co - ordinating program management and business development activities 他在澳大利亞,馬來西亞,泰國和中國工作,完成了亞洲,歐洲,南美洲的市場及商務開發活動。

Next the scotchman was the place assigned to costello , the eccentric , while at his side was seated in stolid repose the squat form of madden 挨著蘇格蘭人的座位是留給怪人科斯特洛的馬登蹲坐在科斯特洛旁邊,呆頭呆腦地紋絲不動。

Frank costello : you know , if your father were alive , and saw you here sitting with me , let ' s say he would have a word with me about this 弗蘭克:你知道,假如你父親還活著,看見你在這和我坐在一起,或許還會和我說句話。

“ it ' s absolutely unacceptable for anybody to breach privacy in relation to tax matters , “ mr costello told abc radio 卡斯特羅先生對abc電臺說: “在稅務的問題上違反隱私條例,這是肯定無法讓人容忍的行為。 ”

Federal treasurer peter costello says breaches of privacy by australian taxation office staff are unacceptable 聯邦財長彼得.卡斯特羅說,澳大利亞稅務局員工的違反隱私條例的行為,是不可以容忍的行為。

“ the good thing is that the management has identified this and the management will deal with them , “ mr costello said 他還說: “然而,好的一方面是,管理部門已經查清事件,而且會進行處理的。 ”

Roger costello discusses different design techniques with exotic names such as venetian blinds or russian doll 中討論了具有諸如venetian blinds或russian doll之類的奇異名稱的設計技術。

Official site for steven fischer s cartoon comedy team of steve and bluey , a modern day abbott and costello -馬來西亞漫畫作者的漫畫網站,提供漫畫家介紹線上漫畫欣賞相關活動訊息。