
costal adj.【解剖學】肋骨的;前緣脈的。 costal fo...


To enhance the management and maintenance of aids to navigation , ensure its good usage condition , and guarantee the safety shipping , this paper has research on the quality assessment of china costal aids to navigation , and the object to research is sub - regional msa ( maritime safety administration ) which is the maintenance unit of costal aids to navigation and regional msa which is the integrated management unit of costal aids to navigation 論文研究的目的是為了加強對航標的管理和維護,保證航標處于良好的使用狀態,保障水上交通運輸安全。論文主要是對中國沿海航標的質量考核進行研究,研究對象是沿海航標的維護單位? ?航標處,和沿海航標的綜合管理單位? ?海區。

Based on this principle , mainly from the perspective of the geography subject , this paper has analyzed the features of forming and developing the river - costal - port cities , generalized the important modes of constructing deep - water ports in river - costal - port cities domestic and abroad . it has also probed into the regional evolution and development of fuzhou port , and examined the process of selecting the site of its deep - water port . furthermore , the paper emphasizes the problems existing in present plan , and put forward a new plan for dongluo island - port near the land , including its overall planning , designing and the condition study of site selection 本文以此為理論指導,主要從地理學的學科視角,分析河口港城市形成和發展過程中的特點,總結山國內外河口港城市深水港建設的主要模式;探究福州港的地域演進與發展并考察其深水港選址的歷程;重點論述現有方案所存在的問題;最終提出福州東洛近陸島港新方案,并對新方案的選址條件和總體規劃、設計做出探討。

This paper analyzed the six stances in the development of steel industry : steel industry tends to be more centralized ; its distribution moves to the costal areas and the regions of mineral resources ; the total amount of demand keeps the increasing standard ; the products of higher quality and additional values will increased rapidly ; the import of mineral resource will gradually decrease ; the profits will go to the big company 摘要我國鋼鐵行業的未來發展將呈現出六大新態勢,即:行業集中度將逐步提高,購并重組勢在必行;產業布局向沿海地區和主要礦石資源地區傾斜;需求總量保持平穩增長,需求檔次逐步提高;高附加值、高技術含量的“雙高”產品將獲得較快增長;鐵礦石進口量仍將維持高位,但增速將減緩;行業內部分化加劇,利潤將向大企業轉移。

It compleated enterprise chongqing guest house , continuusly taps running projects and opens up the overseas markets . it has established branches and running bodies in singapore , thailand and costal areas cuccessively . now , chongqing sunshine tourism group is rapidly advancing to the modern international tourism and striding forward to the internationalized way 現有職工1200余人,固定資產近3億元,集團充分發揮其核心企業重慶賓館的人才優勢和地理優勢,不斷橫向挖掘經營項目拓展海外市場,先后在新加坡泰國以及沿海一帶開設了子公司和經營實體,集團正以迅雷不及掩耳之勢向著現代化的國際旅游業進軍,向著國際化的道路邁進。

The total carbon absorption of china costal farmland ecosystems was 15644 . 2 x 104t in 1981 and increased to 22482 . 4 x 104t in 2001 with increasing rate of 44 % . but the total carbon emission was 1512 . 86 x 104t in 1981 and increased to 5559 . 31 x 104t in 2001 with increasing rate of 265 % 其中,沿海十省區農田生態系統碳吸收總量從1981年的15644 . 2萬噸上升到2001年的22482 . 4萬噸,上升了近44 ;而碳排放總量從1981年的1512 . 86萬噸上升到2001年的5559 . 31萬噸,增長了265 。

Costal aids to navigation are not only important establishment for ship ' s safety sailing , but also vital part of main route at sea and port hinge . it is significant for waterway transportation , sea development , fishery , national build and defence as well as safeguarding the sovereignty of the country 中國沿海航標是船舶安全航行的重要助航設施,是海上主通道和港口主樞紐的重要組成部分,是保障海上南北運輸主通道和港口暢通的重要手段,對我國水上交通運輸、海洋開發、漁業捕撈、國防建設和維護國家主權具有重要意義。

Because perhaps move in have dinner , this is when , the blood in the body should provide athletic place quickly , right now organ of costal region ministry and muscle lack haemal complement , get the place to appear short time convulsion , also appeared “ uncomfortable “ phenomenal happening , concern without what 這是由于在用餐或者運動時,身體中的血液要急劇的提供給運動部位,此時肋部器官以及肌肉缺少血液補充,便得該處出現短時間痙攣,也就出現了“不舒適”現象的發生,沒有什么關系。

Furthermore , the values of wind velocities obtained from the situ - observation data of the ship - stations ( 50 , 25 ) are used to denote the wind velocities on the costal zone in the east of the yangtse river estuary and they are as the values of the wind velocities to deduce the wave factors in 20 meters deep 此外,應用引水船測站實測風資料推算得到的50年一遇、 25年一遇和一年一遇的風速值來代表長江口以東大面積水域上風速并作為推算水深- 20m波浪要素的風速值。

Sheet piles is often used for excavation protection in costal areas of china . one pile with three usages means sheet piles are used to support loads from superstructures and to sustain lateral soil pressure for the basement besides working as retaining structures during excavation “一樁三用”是指圍護排樁除了在基坑開挖中作為擋土結構之外,也作為建筑物工程樁承擔上部結構荷載同時還作為地下室外墻抗側壓力結構體系的一部分。

23 compounds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) were measured and identified by gc - ms in surface sediments at 13 stations in jiaozhou bay of qingdao costal sea , shandong peninsular , china , to investigate the spatial variability of the anthropogenic pollutants and their sources 利用氣相色譜-質譜方法( gc - ms )對青島近海膠州灣13個站位的表層沉積物中23種多環芳烴( pahs )的含量分布及來源進行了討論。

Here are assumptions of this paper : 1 . because of migration , the supply of human capital is sufficient relatively to cities , especially to cities in costal areas . due to the accumulation of human capital , marginal productivity do not decrease 本文假定: 1 、由于人口流動現象的存在,對于城市,特別是沿海城市,人力資本的供給是相對充足的,由于人力資本積累的作用,各地區城市的勞動邊際產出不會遞減。

Established in 1986 , located at the costal area of east sea - shanghu industrial park , dongsha , ruian city . ruian huarui hydraulic machinery factory enjoys geographic location and advantageous transportation 瑞安市華瑞液壓機械廠創辦于1986年,座落在風景秀麗的東海之家-瑞安市東山上埠工業區;便捷的交通網絡與得天獨厚的地理條件,為企業發展提供了良好的外部環境。

Started in 1992 , the petroleum trading has now become a pillar industry of haichang group . a completed network throughout major costal cities of china and southeast asia has been established 拓于1992年的石油化工貿易業務現已成為海昌集團的主要支柱性產業之一,其銷售網絡遍布全國沿海各主要城市,乃至東南亞地區,并在國內沿海各主要城市建立了分公司。

Discoverhongkong - meeting your needs - hong kong family fun guide - inspire your children - police museum hong kong racing museum hong kong museum of costal defence hong kong planning and infrastructure exhibition gallery Discoverhongkong -各類客群旅游專案-香港親子游手冊-啟發小腦袋-警隊博物館香港賽馬博物館香港海防博物館香港規劃及基建展覽館

37 . 573 e , on 1 march 2003 at 9 : 10am , when fujian forestry department and national bird - ringing centre were carrying out a waterbird survey at the costal area of changle municipality , fujian province 2003年3月1日上午9時10分,福建省林業廳會同全國鳥類環志中心在福建省長樂市沿海進行水禽調查時,于地處閩江河口的潭頭鎮26

The temple was renovated in 1888 and 1973 , and more recently in 1988 . on 13th of the second month in lunar calendar , i . e . the birthday of hung shing , many costal residents crowd into the temple for worshipping 該廟曾于1888和1973年重修,最近的一次是1988年。農歷二月十三日洪圣誕,水上居民多來參拜,香火鼎盛。

Macao , a sparkling pearl in the costal of the south sea , attracts the every person ' s eye in the entire world by means of her charm and glory , and the unusual date - - - - - - - - december the 20th , 1999 澳門,南海之濱一顆耀眼的明珠,以她的風采,滄桑和輝煌,更以1999年12月20日這個不同尋常的日子吸引著全世界的目光。

Taizhou huada machinery co . , ltd . is located in the beautiful east sea costal city yuhuan county zhejiang province . it boasts advantageous geographical condition and convenient traffic transportation 臺州華達機械有限公司坐落在風景秀麗的東海之濱浙江省玉環縣,地理條件優越、交通十分便捷。

Sharing land borders with hong kong and macau and with guangzhou being its capital , it covers a land area of 178 , 000 square kilometers and a costal line of 3 , 368 kilometers 廣東簡稱“粵” ,是中國大陸最南部的省份,毗鄰港澳,陸地面積17 . 8萬平方公里,海岸線總長3368公里,省會廣州。